Release 117 December 2020 notes

What's new in this December Release?


New Test Tool for all customers

The new test tool is now extended to all customers. It will be rolled out (for schools that don’t already have access) gradually. This will not affect existing tests - you can still continue to use them. 

Update: January 2021 - This rollout has been temporarily paused.

What’s great about the new test tool:

  • Modern and easier to use
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Shareable: Teachers can now share their tests in Library
  • Better reporting functionality 

In order to minimize disruption, both the old and new test tool will be accessible to customers who have been using the older version. The older version will be clearly labeled as ‘to be discontinued’, so you know which tool you are using.  

Note: The older version will be ‘retired’ and existing tests migrated to the new tool at the end of the 2021/2022 school year.

Although the older version will soon be switched off, updates will continue to the end of the next school year.

In this release you will find these improvements to the old test tool:

  • Randomize the answer alternatives for the question types 'Either/or', 'Multiple choice' and 'Multiple response'. 
  • Enhanced support for export (QTI V2.1). 
  • Removed: Hotspot questions as they use an older browser technology ('Flash') which will no longer be supported by Adobe after Dec 31. To continue using tests which contain some Hotspot questions, simply disable/delete the Hotspot questions. A fresh version of Hotspot questions will soon be available in the new test tool. 

More support information on the new Test tool can be found on our New Test Tool Overview and the related links on that page. 

Even More Space When Editing

The content editor will now automatically expand when you use it. 

This way teachers and students have more space to create content.

bigger editing space screenshot

Auto logout

Simplified based on user feedback.

You will now only see one button. The auto logout is also less intrusive when using a screen reader. For younger users, or users with motor disabilities, click the Esc key or anywhere outside the dialog to stay logged in.

auto logout screenshot

Even More

  • Microsoft Office documents can now be viewed immediately in the itslearning app.
  • It is now possible to de-anonymize Assignment answers when the assessment is complete.
  • Based on teacher feedback, by default quoted text and bibliography will now impact the plagiarism percentage in the SimCheck plagiarism detector. Teachers can still click the 'gear' icon to exclude specific sources ('repositories') and specific types of text (bibliography, quotes, small matches).

These release notes apply for Fronter 19 as well. 


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