R137 External Release Notes

This release contains numerous quality-of-life improvements across all of itslearning.


New Planner:

  • We want to give students ownership of their learning. When using a new play plan, resources like PDFs, links, notes, videos etc. are automatically marked as 'read' after students open them. Now students can mark a resource as 'unread' so they can go back to it later. Marking a resource as unread will also be reflected in reports.
  • We added counters to all the plan tabs, so that teachers and students can see how many topics, past plans, and plans without dates they have in a course without having to open the tab.
  • We added a hover state on plan cards and topic cards to better illustrate that they are clickable. 
  • When a teacher decides not to use dates on plans, the tabs ‘current’ and ‘past’ will not be shown. We have added a label in plan settings to inform the teacher about this change.

Remove links on recent updates

  • To improve the user experience, we have removed hyperlinks from peoples’ names and course/projects’ names. 

Task tool – close task after the deadline

  • Now, teachers can choose to close a task after the deadline. This option is only available when participants can mark the task as complete.

Automatically set name for uploaded Library files

  • When you upload a file directly in the Library, the resource will now automatically get the name of that file as the name of the resource in itslearning.

itslearning in Microsoft Teams 

  • For schools/organisations using Microsoft Teams, your administrator can set up an integration that embeds the itslearning course overview in the relevant Microsoft Team. This way, students can quickly see what is currently relevant for that course. They can, for example, see their task list or open the current plan.

More information about MS Teams Integration can be found in the following articles:

  1. MS Teams Integration
  2. MS Teams Integration - Set Up

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