R136 External Release Notes

This release includes many updates to the Planner.

  • To help students better understand what they need to do next, we have added “Start” / “Continue” buttons to Plans (depending on whether they have started working on their Plan or not).
  • Homework is now highlighted with the word "homework" on the web version, and an icon on mobile devices. 


  • When opening Play Plan, a list of resources and activities appears in the side menu and can be used for navigation. In addition, we have added a "Next" link on the bottom right, making it very easy for students to navigate to the next element on the list.
  • On smaller devices, such as mobile phones, we have replaced this “Next” link, and the side panel, with a menu so that students easily can navigate from one task to another.
  • When teachers create a new course, or if a course has plans but no dates, we will prompt them to set this up as soon as possible.
  • Now, teachers can choose to add "class hours" to plans. By default, we don’t show class hours, but the teacher can add this field by going to plan settings.

Test Tool

  • New option for negative scores in questions with multiple answers.
  • Automatic feedback for answer alternatives in multiple-choice/response questions.
  • "Expand all" button on the new assessment pages to easily open all answers for inspection and assessment.

Over the next months, we will also roll out a major update to the "categories" functionality. It will be renamed "Question groups" and have some extended functionality to allow even more flexibility in the way tests are set up. 

Other Changes

  • Teachers can start registering attendance up to 15 minutes before an event starts. Self-registration will also be available.
  • To make it easier and faster to navigate to a specific date, we added a date picker to "day view".
  • When using 'Assign to' you can automatically select up to 400 students with one click. Also, we have added a 'N/A' if a task has not been assigned to specific students.
  • We have improved the accessibility of the 'Import users from file' feature and library pages and made some improvements to the high contrast setting.


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