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R130 External Release Notes

What's new in our latest Release?

Test Tool    

Over the summer we plan to make some improvements to the Test Tool. In June iMathEQ will be made available in answer alternatives for multiple choice questions. In July there will be a new assessment page for teachers, making it easier to get an overview of answers, set manual assessment and navigate to the next student. The results export will be extended to include full question information and student answers. We will include extra user information (username or synckey) in the results list and in the result export. Finally, AnonymousID from IMS-E/IMS-ES will be supported when using anonymous tests. 

Other Changes

  • When using 3rd party LTI tools we will we indicate if a resources has been visited or not by the student. Students themselves will see a progress bar so they can see if they have visited the resource before. In addition, students will immediately see the change in status when they get back to the itslearning tab, including when the resource returns a grade. 
  • To tidy up the interface we have moved the review option from the add page to the library page. 
  • The new planner can now be shared outside itslearning, for instance on a school's website. When visitors click this link, they will go directly to the topic tab.
  • We have improved accessibility across the itslearning calendar including the updates to the sidebar, modernising the 'other calendar' and 'booking' components, and numbers and dates are no longer interactive. The file uploader for profile picture is more accessible and has alterative text.

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