August 2024 Release Notes

What's new in our August 2024 release?

As we have now moved to a frequent release process, notes will be published with every release. You can find the external release notes for August below. Release information is published on these pages on Monday/Tuesday before the release is deployed on Wednesday. There is also an automatic upload to our external webpages here: with automatic translations through a language switcher. 

Please note that, in some instances, the release date may change due to holidays or other circumstances. If you want to see which version itslearning is currently running, you can find that information at the bottom of your login page. Want to keep up-to-date with product and release information?

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2024.8.5 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Accessibility: information regarding quick nav in Voice Over

Voice Over, the screen reader used in MacOS and iOS, overrides arrow key navigation unless you turn off ‘quick nav’. As some of the components in itslearning use arrow key navigation, this setting needs to be switched off to navigate properly when Voice Over is activated. We have added information about this in the personal settings page, near the accessibility settings.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.8.5

Our reference Summary

Fixed an issue for Safari users, where the search results page did not load when using the search under the profile menu.


After creating a new course profile (used when adding a new participant). It did not work to select it in certain courses (courses that were not new).


Fixed an issue where some course groups could be visible on the assessment record, but not in the groups tab on the participant overview.
This could occur after creating a new course based on a template course.

2024.8.4 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Design update: Updates page

After implementing new, white, menus and updating the design of the course cards page, we are now refreshing the updates page to match.

Discontinuation: Immersive reader in Edge

We have piloted support for Immersive reader in Edge for some time, but have now decided to end this pilot and remove the feature. Note: The integration of Immersive reader in Planner, Assignment, Note and Announcements is not affected by this.

Email notification of changes to two-factor authentication

Email confirmation is now sent to users when they have successfully completed setting up two-factor authentication.

Email notification is sent to users when authentication app is disconnected, either by the user themselves or by itslearning administrator.

Import/export plans

Teachers can import and export their plans to other itslearning sites. This feature is mainly used when teachers are changing jobs and they want to reuse their plans in the itslearning site of their new school. We are reusing functionality from the old planner.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.8.4

Our reference Summary

New customers were not able to share an AICC resource with another site, due to a missing profile.


It was possible to exceed the limit on the number of users that can register for a course, when using setting that allows users to register themselves.


Made a change to prevent that a teacher’s role in a course gets downgraded after IMS or hierarchy synchronisation, if they are also a member of another group with lesser access rights.


Fixed an issue where teachers were not able to use the “temporary access” column to re-enable access to courses for dropped students. Previously, this was controlled by a setting related to synchronised courses (even if the course was manually created).


Made an improvement to Gradebook letters (assessment record).

2024.8.3 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Accessibility fix: Title labels for editors

To help screen reader users understand pages with the editor, the editor needs an understandable and descriptive title attribute. After investigation, we found two places where this was missing, those are now added.

Changes are made in the following places:

  • Courses > Course > Resources > Add Discussion (open Add discussion page into new tab)
  • Courses > Course > Resources > Add Task (open Add task page into new tab)

Discontinuation: Open module applications in existing window

As preparation for the ongoing work to remove iframes in itslearning (Admin pages will have these removed late July), we need to remove the option to open module applications inside the itslearning window, as this functionality relies on iframes. All third-party module applications will now open in a new window (tab).

The setting is removed from module application setup.

Small update to date picker in the planner

When a teacher sets a start date for a plan, the stop date is automatically suggested as the same day. If the teacher realizes they have selected the wrong start date and changes it while the cursor is still in the start date field, the stop date will also update to match the new start date. For example, if the start date is changed from 11/09 to 12/09, the stop date will also change to 12/09. Previously, the stop date had to be manually adjusted if the start date was changed.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.8.3

Our reference Summary

Fixed an issue where a custom/personal name for the ILP tool did not show in a user’s personal menu.


Fixed an issue where it did not work to download a file from search results.

2024.8.1 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Small adjustment to the notification panel

The notification panel is made wider, so that it has the same width as the new message panel and the personal menu.

New profile information page 

We have replaced the old profile card with a new, smaller card, which also loads much faster. This simplified profile card only contains key information, and we are now building a new full page to replace the information found in the old card. We expect this work to stretch over the course of multiple releases, adding content in order of importance. We aim to replace all the information, and later modernise further.

The screenshot below gives you an idea of what the new page will look like when completed.

This first step includes the top section with basic information and the About section below with more detailed information if that’s available and permitted for the current user to see.


Released fixes in itslearning-2024.8.1

Our reference Summary

Fixed an issue where the LTI 1.3 tool Clickview could not be opened in full screen.


Fixed an issue for SESAM LTI where apostrophes could cause a blank page to be shown.


Fixed an issue where tasks completed by a student would sometimes incorrectly appear in the teacher's follow-up tasks list.

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