October 2024 Release Notes

What's new in our October 2024 release?

As we have now moved to a frequent release process, notes will be published with every release. You can find the external release notes for October below. Release information is published on these pages on Monday/Tuesday before the release is deployed on Wednesday. There is also an automatic upload to our external webpages here: https://itslearning.com/product-updates with automatic translations through a language switcher. 

Please note that, in some instances, the release date may change due to holidays or other circumstances. If you want to see which version itslearning is currently running, you can find that information at the bottom of your login page. Want to keep up-to-date with product and release information?

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2024.10.5 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Test tool: Teachers can override the automatic score for a question when assessing a student

Over the years, we have had several requests for teachers to be able to change the automatically calculated score of a question when they are assessing a student submission. There may be errors in the question or alternatives, or they realise that one of the answers is in fact partially correct while it is marked as wrong. Manual scoring has until now only been available for some question types, and only if set in the question, in which case the teacher needs to manually assess all submissions for that question. We have now made it possible to edit the score of any question. After edit, the total score and grade for the submission will be recalculated.

Editing the score is available in the assessment page, accessed by clicking a submission in the result list. The changed score is saved as soon as you click outside the score field or tab to the next item.

Note that there is an option for administrators to disable this feature in rare cases where overriding the automatic score is not acceptable. The option is found in Admin > Global settings > Features and security. See section Tools and content. Disabling the feature will disable it for all tests on the site.


New course menu - admin can select course profile to use for ‘student view’

The old ‘view as’ feature allowed users to select from all profiles (with security level below their own) when viewing the course as a different profile. Research has shown that this is too complex, and what teachers need is a simple way to see what the course looks like for the average student. So we simplified to the new ‘student view’ option. However some organisations have multiple course profiles that are all students. Currently the first profile (based on profile ID) will be used, and we have now added a course profile setting to allow administrators to determine which profile should be used. After release, the currently used profile will be selected. It is not possible to enable this for more than one profile.

Accessibility fix: Label for help icons

In two places, there was an icon linking to help pages missing label and link text. This is now added so the links are understandable for screen reader users.

  • Admin > Users and access rights > Edit a user > Password
  • Your settings > Change password 

New design: updating ‘sub-menus’ in other pages

As part of our updated design, we are now changing the look and feel of other ‘sub-menus’ similar to match the new course menu. This affects the menus in Calendar and Library. It also fixes an accessibility issue identified in Library.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.10.5

Our reference Summary

Fixed an issue where sometimes clicking on a direct link from a course resource to a course catalogue resulted in an error.

2024.10.4 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Our reference Summary

When changing a user’s profile type in user and access rights, the user was not fully updated with the new profile in the database. This could lead to an issue when using a feature that checks the user’s profile type.


The setting “enable AI service to create content”, was shown in the wrong section on the features and security settings page.


Fixed an issue where a teacher may not have been able to add a user from a different hierarchy to a course, even though the setting “search for members in own courses and projects” was activated.

2024.10.3 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

MS Teams Integration

We have improved how the new top menu appears in MS Teams Integration.

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.10.3

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.10.3

Our reference Summary

Fixed an issue with missing page styling when self-registering for attendance, and when printing ILP.


In the case of a file or piece of content not being copied correctly, there should be a warning error shown when trying to access the file on the new location. Sometimes this warning would not appear, and instead the user got a grey screen. This has been fixed.

2024.10.2 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.10.2

Our reference Summary

When initiating a download of an attendance report, it may take a while before the report is completed. After clicking “download” and waiting for the report it was possible to click download again, which resulted in an error. We have made a change so that the download button is greyed out while the report is being generated.


When copying a plan, the “select a course” dropdown may not have shown any courses, depending on how many courses were supposed to be shown (there was an issue with loading the courses in some cases).

2024.10.1 - Release Product Updates in itslearning

Released fixes in itslearning-2024.10.1

Our reference Summary

When opening a tree-link to an internal resource in e.g. a Note, that was created by copy pasting a direct link into the text editor. The resource was opened in a new window. This was changed to open in the same frame as the default setting.

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