Release 126 January Release Notes

What's new in our January Release?

New Test Tool


We're continuing to add features from the old test tool to the new version. From this release teachers can customise the assessment scale to better map test results to grades.






In this release we have updated the date picker in the new planner so that any date with events is highlighted. Teachers can connect one or more calendar events to the plan. By default, we only list dates. If teachers also want to set time, they can specify timeslots down to hours and minutes.



  • Teachers can delete one or multiple topics in a course. The plan content will also be deleted from the course, but users can restore it from the trash can if needed.


  • Teachers no longer have to click the “Show more” button when going to Plans pages. Now more plans will automatically be loaded when users need them. 


Other Changes


  • To mirror other text editors and improve accessibility, we have replaced the Font Size option in the rich text editor with the option to set headers or other styles. This will not affect existing content.
  • We've made a minor change related to the Course visits report. The month selector dropdown is now limited to the last 18 months to make it manageable and easy to use.
  • The weekly updates (messages) from 360° Reports can now be deleted.
  • In the Resource summary report, element names link to the element, so you can go directly there for the full information
  • There has been a security update of the Mac (only) version of Testmode Browser. From after the release users must update the version to be able to take the test.
  • We have decoupled the permission to apply a course template from the permission to create a course. This makes it possible for Admins to allow teachers to apply a template to a course created via an integration, without allowing them to manually create courses.
  • We are making accessibility improvements across itslearning. The changes will not affect most users, but those using screen readers will now find navigating and using these pages much easier: calendar, old planner, profile page, course participants, profile card, assessment record (student view) and personal menu.

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