April 2024 Release Notes

What's new in our April releases?

As we have now moved to a frequent release process, notes will be published with every release. You can find the external release notes for April below. Release information is published on these pages Monday / Tuesday before the release is deployed on Wednesday. Please note that in some instances the release day may change due to holidays or other circumstances. If you want to see which version itslearning is currently running, you can find that information at the bottom of your login page. Want to keep up to date with product and release information? Sign up for our newsletter!

2024.4.3 - Release product updates

Show course group for each organisation group

It is now possible, via a customer setting, to show a course group for each organisation group. This can be enabled by the system administrator in the "Features and security" page. When the setting is enabled, it will allow teachers to extend the members of these course groups. In addition, any changes to memberships of the organisation group will automatically be reflected in the course group.


Released fixes in Itslearning-2024.4.3

Our Reference

There was an issue with loading the full text editor, if using Lithuanian language.


Fixed an issue in the ILP tool. When printing from an ILP, assessments and comments were not showing on the print (they were showing in itslearning).


2024.4.2 - Release product updates

Small improvement to play plan for student

Learning path completion will automatically be reflected in play plan's side panel as soon as a student mark a LP as completed. 



Our Reference

Fixed an issue in Individual Learning Plans, where a drop down filter to select a plan did not work.


Fixed a CSS related issue that could cause words to be incorrectly split when wrapping to a new line in Planner.


Fixed an issue where in the assessment settings in a course, an assessment scale may have shown a percentage with many decimals (and not matching the number of decimals shown in global settings).


When filtering answers by group in Assignment, and combing the search with the "show" filter. Filtering didn't work correctly if the assignment was using a custom submission status.


Made a change for LTI 1.3 to always open in a new window on mobile view and Safari.


Made a change to make it possible to register absence 15 minutes in advance from the "Status and follow up" page.

2024.4.1 - Release product updates

Our Reference

Fixed an error that could occur when removing sub-hierarchies on a user profile.


Fixed an issue that could cause a user to see a license error, when trying to open an LTI 1.3 link from a course.


Improved the system that detects activity (to delay automatic logout when there is activity).


In cases where a course participant has more than one group membership in a course.
Changing the users access rights role through the user and access rights module, may not have correctly updated the users role in the course. This has now been fixed.


Fixed an issue where it didn't work to use the pencil icon to edit a SCORM element from the resource view.


2024.3.5 - Release product updates

Plagiarism report

Choose to show plagiarism report to students

For assignments that have plagiarism control enabled, teachers can now choose to make the plagiarism report available for students as well. This can be done via a new setting called "Allow students to see plagiarism report" that become available when plagiarism control is activated for an assignment.

Note that this option is not available for Urkund, as this plagiarism provider doesn't offer a read-only version of the plagiarism report.


Table view: move a resource to another plan

Teachers can now choose to move a resource to another plan within the same topic when using the table view. When opening the modal, they can see all plans within this topic, but if there are many plans, they can choose to filter by current and upcoming plans, past plans or plans without date.  After selecting another plan, the resource will be listed at the bottom of the field resources and activity. If the visibility of the date field is off, we will show all plans and not filter them when opening the modal.

Small improvement to play plan for student

Task completion will automatically be reflected in play plan's side panel as soon as a student mark a task as completed. Today a student must refresh the page or navigate to next element to see the green check mark next to the task in the side panel. 


Our Reference

Fixed an issue where calendar events with long titles were not showing the whole title in Planner.


Fixed an issue that prevented some questions from being exported from the old test tool.

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