Release 134 External Release Notes

What's new in our latest release?

Better Support for Self-paced Plans

You can now use the new planner without dates, allowing students to move through the plan at their own pace. Teachers can hide the “current” and “past” tabs in plan settings via a new visibility option in plan settings. If hidden, the date field will also be removed from plan cards and when you are opening a plan to see plan details.

New planner: 'View as' student 

The 'view as' feature will now show how the plan will appear to students. Teachers can see the progress bar and check-marks next to activities and resources. We will also show a reminder that teachers are viewing the plan as a student.

Other Great Changes

  • Whenever you see the 'Assign to' option you can now choose to select all participants. This makes it quicker to assign work to all participants and then remove a few students/groups.
  • We made some changes to the assessment portfolios, the 'Status' column has been removed as the status is no longer used, the 'Assessment' column shows the grade, and the 'Comments' column will reflect the comments on portfolio pages.
  • To better warn teachers about potentially overwriting the information in a course when they apply a template, we now show a clear warning message.
  • We continue to make accessibility improvements: in course cards, we have added easy to understand colour names in the course colour picker.

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