Release 122 September 2021 notes

New Planner

Further improvements to the new Planner:

  • 'Add' button to quickly add course resources and elements. Teachers can also see if their resources and activities are active or not. Teachers will see all resources, but students will only see active resources. 
  • Date picker: Choose to add date and/or time. Default is date only.
  • Content editor: Edit old plans in the content editor. We are working on making it possible to create content directly in the planner. Plugins and features now available (with the exception of slide show plugin).
  • Plan card images: Better handling of images to work on multiple devices and screen sizes. Recommended: Landscape images of 3:2  aspect ratio.
  • Plan description field: Any images added to the description are not shown in the short summary view to give more prominence to the text description. The images will appear when opening the plan card.
  • Long plan titles and topics are truncated depending on the view. 
  • Action button to delete one or multiple plans.
  • If teachers are reusing their old plans, any information they have added to their customized topic fields will now show, but only customized topic fields of type 'learning objectives' are editable. This allows teachers to add or remove learning objectives. 

To test out the new Planner, use the toggle to switch it on in Plan Settings.  

Anonymous assignment improvements

Anonymous submission in assignment hides the identity of the student when their answer is assessed to ensure objectivity of the assessment.


  • When submitting an uploaded Office document (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx) the name of the student will be removed from the document info.
  • If "Office for the Web" is enabled any student making comments in the document will have their name replaced with their anonymous ID for this assignment.
  • Anonymous ID reduced to 5 characters to improve readability.

Anonymous Tests in New Test Tool

Tests can now be made anonymous. The main purpose is to hide the identity of the student when assessing to ensure objectivity.

The option is activated from the sidebar and the student is informed that the test is anonymous in the test information on the start page.

The Test tool will also have a separate set of release notes which you can access on our Support site. (If you are unable to click the link, please copy and paste this url:

Admin: Updates to term selector in courses

Improvements to the way terms are fetched when you add a course, apply a course template or change the course settings, so the page behaves smoothly even with thousands of terms in the organization. It is now also possible to search for terms in this dialog. By default, up to about 20 terms are displayed, and the list is paginated.

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