Learning Paths



A learning path is a sequence of steps that leads the student to the finish. That finish or goal would commonly be the understanding of a certain concept. For example, at the end of the path, the students will understand "differentiation in maths" and there are several resources and activities/assessments in the steps leading to that goal.

It is also possible to use assessments (e.g. a test) to create different branches within the same path. This can for example be used:

  • As gate keeper: don't let students continue until they pass an assessment;
  • For remedial tracks: provide a student with additional resources if they don't pass the test;
  • As exit ticket: students who pass the test jump immediately to the finish.

Creating a learning path

There are currently two ways to create a learning path: 

  • From scratch
  • From an existing folder

Create from scratch

Create a learning path from scratch by clicking the green Add button and selecting 'Learning path' (under activities).

screenshot learning path

This approach works best when you already have the content you need in the course, the library or on your computer.

When creating a new learning path, there will by default be 3 steps, but steps can be added or removed.
screenshot new learning path

To each step, a single resource can be added.

Create from folder

This approach is best if you have collected content in a folder, or you have yet to create the content that you want to include in the learning path. You can first create all the resources you need in a single folder, and then turn it into a learning path.

This can be done by choosing 'Make learning path' under the [...] button when the folder is opened (see image below).

For each resource in this folder a step will be created. The resources will be in the same order as they were in the folder, but you can drag and drop to reorder them.

The option 'Make learning path' is disabled when:

  • the folder contains content that cannot be copied (e.g. hangman game)
  • there is content that already has results

By removing the results of a student, for example on a test, will 'free up' the activity again.

The option will not be available if:

  • the folder is a topic folder (created via the planner)
  • the folder is the root folder

Note: it is always possible to change a learning path back to a regular folder.

This will not affect the results that students might have on the activities on the path.

Once the learning path is created, you can start adding resources to the steps use the learning path builder.

Learning path builder

Adding a step

You can add more steps by clicking the 'Add step' button.


New steps will always be added at the bottom, but you can drag and drop them to another position by hovering on the step (three vertical dots) and then clicking and dropping it to the new position.

screenshot learning path steps

Adding content to a step

Each step needs to have a resource. You can add an existing resource from the Course, the itslearning Library or from your computer.

screenshot adding resources

If you want to edit the contents of a resource, you can simply click on its name.

Access to the content will be handled by the learning path. It is therefore not possible to manually set permissions on the content of the path, or to change content visibility to students.

Content limitations

Not all content can be added to a learning path. The following categories of content cannot be added:

  • Resources that cannot be copied between courses (e.g. hangman game).
  • Activities (e.g. Assignment) with at least one answer or assessment. Either remove the results from these activities, or make a copy without results. 

In addition, group assignments will be changed to individual assignments. We have chosen to exclude group assignments, as they prevent a student from progressing at their own pace.

Linear steps

By default, all steps will allow the student to move to the next step when the resource is "completed". For Notes, Pages, Files, Links, etc. that means they can move on to the next step once they have opened/viewed the resource.


For all activities, such as tests, surveys, assignments and tasks the student needs to complete the activity before they can move on.

For activities that can be assessed - Tests, Assignments, Tasks - the teacher can point to a different step based on results.


Additional information on these assessment tools are provided in the table below.

Assessment tools

Tool Triggers Comment
Assignment  Submitted The student can move to the next step when the answer is submitted. No teacher intervention needed.
Completed  The teacher will have to review the work of the student before the student can move on.
Task   Completed  The task can be completed by the teacher or the student. For the student to be able to complete the task, the option 'Also allow participants to set completion' needs to be enabled.
Test Completed  The student can move on once they have completed the test.
If the test contains open answer questions that require manual assessment by the teacher, the student cannot continue until the teacher has assessed those questions.

Adaptive paths

It is possible to determine a different sequel based on the result on an assessment. This can be done for tests, assignments and tasks by selecting 'student scores at least' as the trigger. This opens up 3 additional fields:

  • The minimum assessment or score to pass the assessment;
  • Which step the student should go to when they pass the test.
  • Which step the student should go to when they don't pass the test.

This has several use cases:

  • Remedial track
  • Exit ticket
  • Gate keeper

Remedial track

Students who fail the assessment can be given additional resources, starting with the next step. Students who pass that assessment get a 'fast forward' - they jump to a step further down the line.
screenshot check for understanding

Exit ticket

When the student passes the assessment, they are directly taken to the finish of the path.

screenshot exit ticket


The student cannot move on to the next step unless they pass the assessment. This can for example mean that they can retake the test.

screenshot gatekeeper

Completing the path and making it visible

All changes are saved automatically. When you're done designing your learning path and all steps have a resource, click the 'Complete path' button.

screenshot visible learning path

For students to see and start the learning path, it still needs to be made visible. You can change the visibility with the toggle.

As long as no student has started on the learning path, you will be able to make changes. To do so click the 'Edit path' button. Since students shouldn't start on the path while it is being edited, the visibility will also be changed when clicking this button. Don't forget to make it visible again once you are done making changes.

Students view: Learning path player

Students can find the learning path in Course Resources. It is also possible to add a learning path to an announcement (previously known as bulletin), or to include it in the planner.

screenshot learning path in resources

When students start a learning path, the learning path player opens in full screen. It contains a menu on the left and the content of the selected step on the right.

screenshot learning path

In the bottom right, a message is shown when the next step becomes available. For content that only needs to be viewed to access/open the next resource, this message will appear after a couple of seconds. For activities - such as an assignment - it will appear once the condition is met. For example, once the assignment is submitted.

The different feedback messages are shown below.

Next step becomes available when... Toast
The student has viewed (opened) the resource.
The student has reached the end of the path (completed).
The student has completed an assessment (task, test, assignment). For assignments, it is also possible to set that when a student submits the assignment, it will unlock the next step.
The student has completed an assessment (task, test, assignment), but the teacher needs to assess the activity before the student can continue.
The student didn't fulfill the requirement, such as passing a test, and needs to retake the activity.

Tip: Consider setting unlimited attempts for tests to avoid a student getting 'stuck'.

Viewing progress

You can see the progress each student is making in the 360° report.

screenshot progress

For assignments, tasks and tests that are included in the learning path, you can find on overview of the progress within those tools.

Note: Learning path sets permission on a resource based on the progress of the student in the learning path. Students who haven't reached a certain step - or have skipped it when using remedial tracks or an exit ticket - will not be shown in the list of students.

screenshot review

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