Grading assignments


When checking student work, the teacher will be able to see course participants and the details of their submissions. 

screenshot all in one grader

Actions: Select multiple students to enable assignment submissions to be deleted, downloaded or assessed in bulk.

Show and Filter: Student work can be filtered by group or status.

Status: Indicates status of the assignment. Submissions can be sent back to students for correction or improvement with feedback. 

Dates: Submission dates and date when the teacher reviewed the submission are shown.

Note: Teachers can view student work, get a plagiarism report (if enabled), student status, and grade the assignment based on criteria.  If the assignment is aligned to standards/learning objectives, the assignment results will be added to the Learning Objective Progress Report. 

Depending on how the assignment was created, a score will be generated from the rubric.  Teachers can override the score or mastery settings.   Teachers are also able to give feedback on the student’s submission.

If students have worked in groups, only one submission and grade will be given to all students within a group.

Open the All-in-One grader by clicking on the answer of a student. It opens in a full screen window to minimize distractions and use as much space as available. 

Watch the video: 

Viewing the answer

If there are more file attachments, or there is an attachment and an answer (or other content) written in the rich text editor, the teacher can open the attachments separately,

If the student has submitted 1 file attachment, it will open immediately.

Document viewer

The document viewer is shown when the answer has been submitted as a PDF. In addition, if Office Online is disabled uploaded files will be converted to PDF. With this document viewer, it is possible to add annotations/comments on selected text.

Google viewer

When used together with templating (make a copy for each student), a preview of the Google doc will be shown in the all-in-one grader. 

Office Online

When enabled, Office files (docx, pptx, xlsx) will be opened in Office Online.

Assessing the answer

The submission status

Depending on site settings, submission status can be presented in two ways.

The simple submission status allows the teacher to indicate if an student is done with the assignment (complete) or needs to resubmit (incomplete):

When the (old) custom submission statuses are used, the options of it can be selected:

Assessment scale/Score

If an assessment scale or score has been setup for the assignment, it will be offered below the submission status.

Rubric assessment 

If a rubric has been added to the assignment, the button 'Open rubric' will be shown above the feedback field.

The rubric will open in a window.


You can write feedback to the student in the Feedback field.

Note: it will be made possible to enter rich text feedback.

Feedback attachments 

Click the 'Attach file' link below the feedback field to open the options to attach a file from.

Assignment settings

There are a couple of settings that a teacher can enabled for an assignment that will be reflected in the all-in-one grader.

Group assignments

If the answer is submitted by a group, the group members can be viewed from the top bar of the all-in-one grader.

Want to know how to set up group assignments, see Group activity.

Plagiarism report

If plagiarism control is enabled, the matching percentage with other resources will be shown next to the answer. Clicking on this percentage will open the report.

Rich text feedback 

To give open the rich text editor, simply click the icon. This is a similar pattern as e.g. the description of a plan.

The rich text editor will open in a window.

Note that due to the limited space in the side panel images will be shown in a smaller size and rich content such as tables and recordings will be replaced by place holders.


The feedback field can be seen as one-way communication from the teacher to the student.

It is also possible to have a discussion between student and teacher on the answer while it is still in progress. For this, the Discussion field can be used. Note that as long as there is no answer, the field will not be available.

Note: this feature was previously called 'Comments'. One change is that teacher can start a discussion, where they previously couldn't add the first comment.

The discussion feature of the all-in-one grader can be disabled as a whole by the system administrator under Features and Security.

Like bulletin comments, you can edit or delete a comment under the gear icon ().

Teacher notes

Teachers notes are by default disabled by a site setting. If enabled, they will appear below the discussion. They can be used for teachers to add reminders for themselves, or to communicate around the assessment with other teachers in the course.

Submit on behalf of student 

The 'submit on behalf of a student' functionality can be used to submit answers that have been received via another route (e.g. email). This is for example used in cases where there is freedom how the students hand in their assignment, but where the teacher does want all the answers to be checked against plagiarism.

When the teacher clicks on the link 'Submit on behalf of the student', a window opens in which the teacher can add the student's answer.

Once submitted, the answer can be edited by choosing 'Edit answer' under the ... button.

Plagiarism Control

We currently integrate with these plagiarism services in itslearning, which can be acquired as an add-on:

  • SimCheck (TurnItIn)
  • Urkund (now known as Ouriginal)

Plagiarism control can be enabled by the site administrator with a site setting: 'Plagiarism settings'

Check assignment answers for plagiarism

When enabled, teachers can choose in each assignment if they want to check the answer for plagiarism. This is the only tool where plagiarism control can be used. Enabling plagiarism for an assignment will work in either of the plagiarism services in itslearning. 

NOTE: The option will not be available if the plagiarism module has not been purchased.

At any time the teacher can decide to use plagiarism control for an assignment, but it will only be applied to answers submitted after plagiarism control has been activated.  

If a teacher wants to check an already submitted answer for plagiarism, it is possible to request a plagiarism report on demand.

Student submits answer

Students will be informed that their answer will be checked for plagiarism.

Both answers written in the rich text editor as well as file attachments will be checked for plagiarism. There are some limitations regarding the file formats of attachments once plagiarism is enabled, as not all formats can be processed by the plagiarism service. The following file formats are allowed: .doc, .docx, .sxw, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .html, .htm, .wps, .odt

Students cannot submit any other file format. The file uploader will inform them when they try to upload a format that is not supported.

Plagiarism report

When there is a match percentage, it is possible to open the plagiarism report.

SimCheck and Ouriginal returns a link to the report which is posted on itslearning.

SimCheck is a plagiarism service by TurnItIn. It replaces Ephorus which has been discontinued. As a user you will not detect any disruption - you will be automatically moved to SimCheck if your school has been using Ephorus. All previously submitted assignment answers will be added to SimCheck for future checks. 

If you prefer to have a hard copy, you can download this information in a PDF format instead which you will find at the bottom of this page.


Once SimCheck is set up, teachers can enable plagiarism control on any assignment. This means that all submissions will be automatically checked for plagiarism.

At any time the teacher can decide to use plagiarism control for an assignment, but it will only be applied to answers submitted after plagiarism control has been activated.  

If a teacher wants to check an already submitted answer for plagiarism, it is possible to request a plagiarism report on demand as show in the image below. 

screenshot plagiarism report

The teacher will see Processing until a result is received from SimCheck. Results will be displayed as follows - OK or a match percentage to show how much of the assignment had been copied.

screenshot plagiarism status

When there is a match percentage, it is possible to open the plagiarism report. This can be done by clicking on the percentage in the All-In-One grader, or by choosing "Open plagiarism report" by clicking the 'more' [...] button.  

screenshot open plagiarism report

Plagiarism report

The report highlights the text in the document that is a match. SimCheck checks internet sources, their own resources and previously submitted assignments answers from their site.

screenshot plagiarism report

When clicking on a resource in the side panel, it is possible to exclude a source. This will update the plagiarism percentage in the report and will also update the plagiarism percentage in itslearning.

screenshot plagiarism sources

When there is a match on a document that was previously submitted via itslearning, the teacher can click 'Details' to see the name of the student, the course and the assignment where the text was previously submitted.

Note: This can be turned off by the itslearning system administrator at your organization.

screenshot plagiarism match

By clicking the gear icon, it is also possible to exclude specific types of sources ('repositories') and specific types of text (bibliography, quotes, small matches).

screenshot settings

Detecting plagiarism in anonymous submission

For assignments with anonymous submission, itslearning will not show the student's name in the plagiarism report for the submission itself, but the name of the student will be shown in the report of another submission if there is a match.

Additional information is available on the TurnItIn help site

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