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Test Tool Settings

Changing the settings on a test

Settings are available on the right panel, similar to the Assignment tool. Settings/options can be changed when the test is created, but also at a later point. If you want to change them after the test is created, click "Edit settings" at the bottom of the side panel.

Note: Some settings will be locked once a test is activated, to prevent conflicts. If you try to save a change that is not allowed, you will be notified that the changes cannot be saved because the test is active/someone has started the test. Teachers can not deactivate the test if somebody is taking it at the moment, but this is again possible once all ongoing attempts are completed. Ongoing attempts can be found in the results page.

Settings on the question tab

Some settings from the older Test tool have been moved to the question tab, as they describe how the questions are displayed for the student when taking the test.

There are two buttons related to this: 

Each button opens a small modal - the first is for navigation and the other refers to the order of the questions. 

These are the available question types: 

  • Either/or (restricted to 2 alternatives)
  • Multiple choice and multiple response
  • Open answer
  • Order
  • Match
  • Fill in the blank 
  • Select from a list
  • Select point (called Hotspot in the previous tool, same functionality)


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