Course Resources Overview


As resources are added to a course they’re placed in the Resources tab. A tree menu (on the left in the screenshot below) makes navigation simple, and you can drag and drop resources. Additionally, topical folders will have been created from Plans.

You are able to make resources active or set a time span to activate them.  

Note: If an element is not active, or visible, students are not able to see the element. Administrators and teachers, however, will be able to see elements that are not active or visible.


Folders can be added within resources to organise content. In the example above, lesson folders have been added for more organisation.

File or Folder

Files or folders can easily be dragged and dropped from your computer. Alternatively, click on ‘Add files’ to upload or link files from Google, Dropbox or OneDrive.

These files may be viewed within the browser, or app, and on any mobile device without having to download the files to view them.

screenshot add files

Using this option to add a link is a great way to provide a stand-alone resource to a lesson.  The link may be to an interactive website or a video resource.


At the simplest level, a note consists of a title and a rich text block. This rich text block may contain images, links, audio, video, and embedded content.  The note is a very linear way of distributing content. 


Pages allow for blocks of content information focused on a topic. Pages can be formatted in one-column, two-column, and wide left options.  

Content blocks on pages may include the following:

  • Files: Upload and insert files.  Files will not display inside this content block.
  • Images: Upload and insert images.
  • Polls: Add a poll and allow other users to vote. Votes can be anonymous. It is not possible to export the data.
  • Rich Content: Add a block of rich content, such as text, images, and links.
  • RSS Feed: Import an RSS feed to your page.

The following elements are activities that require students to complete tasks. We encourage using these elements more frequently than resources because they promote reflection and deeper interaction with the content. When assigned, they will appear in the students' task block. As students complete the work, teachers will see follow-up tasks that need to be assessed.

  • Tests
  • Assignments
  • Tasks
  • Surveys  

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