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Tasks are an easy to track for instance non-digital submissions such as artwork, oral presentations, hand-written essays or a face-to-face discussion.  

It is also possible to add Microsoft or Google files that your students can view to the task. 

Tasks allow the teacher to provide digital directions and grading specifications, but the work can be submitted manually, and then assessed and graded in itslearning. 

Making an assignment

At its simplest setting, the assigment tool looks like this: 

You enter a title, describe what its for and choose witch participants should do the assignment (class, group or individuals). 

You can decide if it should be showing in the planner, and what plan it will show up on. 

Whan you press save it will be visible to the students by default. 

Show more options

If you want to control more details around the task, press "more options":

Here you can 

  • Decide wether the task should be visible, or you can set a date for its activation. 
  • Add files from a cloudservice or your computer that the students can view. 
  • Decide wether you or the student can mark a task as complete, and if it should be put into your follow-up tasks when marked as completed. 
  • You can decide if you want to grade the task with an assesment scale, and if it should be added to the assesment record.
  • You can assign learning objectives to the task, if you want it to show up in the objective report, and if you want to assess mastery of the learning objective (if activated). 

Assigning tasks to participants

A teacher can assign Tasks to all course participants in the course, select individual students, or groups of students.

The default is to 'all course participants'. Click Change for the other options.  

screenshot assign in task

Assessing Tasks

When you have set up the task and the students have done the work, you can assess the task based on the setttings you made when handing it out. In this scenario the student have marked her task as done: 

If you decided to grade the tasks, the student can not mark it as done. The grading page will look like this:

Assessing learning objectives

Depending on how you set up the assessment of learning objectives, it can range from a simple registration of mastery, to predefined goals/rubrics (with weight). Note that the mastery and comment on the learning objective is separate from the assessment and comment on the individual task. 

Looks like this: 

The assesment with rubrics looks like this:

screenshot rubrics in tasks

Read more about using learning objectives here: Assess with Rubrics

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