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Anonymous submission in test

Anonymous submission in the Test tool works in a similar way to anonymous submission in Assignment. 

The intention of this feature is so that teachers can manually assess student work without knowing who submitted the test. 

Anonymous submissions can be used in combination with other security measures for the test such as password protection or test mode browser.

The setting is found in the sidebar when creating a test.

If a student has already started taking the test, the setting cannot be changed. This is to prevent any changes to the conditions of taking the test.

Changes for teachers

The student name is replaced by a random string of characters in the results list both for submitted and ongoing attempts. The profile picture is also replaced by the default profile image. 

When exporting the results, the names of the students are replaced with the same random characters. 

Each student has a designated random string, so the same random characters will be displayed if they take the same test multiple times. The random string changes when the student takes different tests and assignments. This is a security feature to prevent them from being "tracked".

Changes for students

Once the setting is activated, students will be informed that this is an anonymous test in the test information text.

 In addition, they will be able to see the setting on the side panel. Other than that, the test will be just like a non-anonymous test.

Note: Unlike Assignment, it is currently not possible to reveal the names of the students. The "full anonymity" feature where names will never be revealed, and results are hidden from all reports works for both Assignment and Test tool.

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