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Create survey with AI

Simple steps to get started

  1. Add a new survey in your course by choosing Survey from the add page
  2. Select the tab 'Create survey with AI'
  3. In the text input field, write what your survey is about
  4. Select number of questions to generate
  5. Select type of survey (non-anonymous, anonymous, external)
  6. Click 'Generate survey'

Detailed information

First of all, if you do not see this option, your administrator has not enabled AI for your site. Please visit the general AI feature documentation for explanation of the setting, and also more details regarding the service we use and answers to data protection concerns.

When you create a new survey, there is an extra tab at the top where you can select 'Create survey with AI'. This tab contains a short explanation, an input field, selector for number of questions and setting for anonymous and external survey. There is also more information available at the bottom of the page to understand how this feature works and how data is treated.

Screenshot of the survey tool. Tab 'Create survey with AI' is selected. It contains information on how to use it, a text input field and selectors for number of questions and survey types. At the bottom are expandable fields titled 'Tips and examples' and 'How does this work'.

  • The input field is limited to 255 characters.
  • You can select 5, 7, 10 or 15 questions.
  • All the generated will be multiple choice and have the same answer options using the agreement scale (one of the pre-defined options for answer alternatives).

Once you click 'Generate survey' the data is sent to Azure OpenAI (EU hosted), and we create a survey with introduction based on the free text input.

After the survey is generated it is just like any other survey, and can be edited to tailor it to your needs. We strongly recommend reviewing it before publishing to the students, as we do not guarantee the accuracy or quality of data returned from the AI service. 

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