How to migrate questions from old test tool to new test tool

The new test tool is for many reasons completely separate from the old tool. This means that you can't directly copy questions from one to the other, and for now there is no option for automatic migration.

Note: your old tests will continue to work for a long time yet (years). They can be used and reused, copied and edited, and results will show up in all reports just like before. 

The new test tool has some clear advantages over the old, such as sharing in library, better usability on touch devices and small screens, and a general upgrade of the design in line with the modern itslearning. So if you want to take advantage of this and migrate your content, below is a description of how to do it.

Migrate questions

  1. Open your old test
  2. Mark the questions you want to bring with you
  3. Click "Export". A .zip file is now saved to your default download folder.
  4. Create a new test using the new test tool
  5. Navigate to the question list, click "Import" and go to the "IMS QTI format file" tab
  6. Upload the previously exported file and start the import
  7. The import process can take some time if you have many questions. You can navigate away from the test while you wait.

Old test tool - select questions

Screenshot from old test tool, question list, two questions selected and menu with export option is visible.

New test tool - import file

Screenshot from new test tool, import page with tab IMS QTI format file open and area to drop or click to upload file is visible.

Nice to know:

  • Hotspot is now called Select point to match the QTI standard definition. The functionality is the same.
  • Multiple response is combined with Multiple choice, and will import correctly with the option to select multiple answers.
  • Short answer is combined with Open answer and will import as such.
  • We are aware there are some issues with very old content, in particular rich content, and the import might fail for some questions if you have been reusing your tests for 10+ years. This is unfortunately not fixable and we recommend you recreate these questions using the new tool.
  • Settings are not conserved, only content (question text and answer alternatives).
  • Categories are not included. We are aware this is time consuming to recreate and we will look into improving this in the future.

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