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Test Tool Overview

The new, upgraded Test Tool is even more mobile friendly and allows for sharing in the Library, so teachers can share tests across their schools or even districts. If you have been using the old test tool, you will now see both versions available. The older version will be discontinued over time.

To add a test, click the green 'Add' button in Course overview, Resources or in a Plan, and select Test. Tests can also be created directly in the Library.

  • Set the title and description (optional) of the test. Settings can also be altered at this stage. (For more details on the settings, see New Test Tool Settings.)
  • Click"Create test". 
  • Once the test is created in the course, you can start adding questions. 
  • To add a question, simply click Add question and select which type you want from the dropdown.
  • Once you have added the questions, you will see them displayed in the Question tab. 
  • Rearrange the question order by dragging the vertical ellipsis (three dots) on the left of the question (highlighted in the image below). This is the default order, but questions can also be presented to students in a random order.

Questions can be deleted, either via the dropdown next to the question number, or by checking the box and selecting Delete (trashcan icon). A question can also be duplicated from the same dropdown.

Questions without text (or in the case of Fill in the blank / Select from a list: instruction text) will be given a standard title with question type + number. This standard title is not presented to the students.

Review the test  

As you create questions, you can preview them before saving. You can also review the entire test you have just set by clicking "Review test" from the Test tab. This is a good way to quality check the test for errors, and to see how the test experience will be for your students. 

After reviewing a test, you will see the results, but the attempt is not stored, and will not be included in any results or reports. Note that the teacher will always see results in this mode, even if those are set to be hidden for students. This is to allow the teacher an easy way to quality check the test, including results and correct/wrong answers.

Take the test in "View as student" mode  

When you use the "View as" mode and see the course as a student, you are allowed to interact with elements as though you were a student. However it is not always possible for the test tool to determine your role and permissions correctly in this mode, and we recommend you use the teacher functionality "Review test" to quality check your test, and do not actually take the test in the "View as" mode.

Test Mode Browser

If Test Mode Browser is enabled for the test, you will also have the option to review using Test Mode Browser. In this case, when the test is completed, you will see the results within the Test Mode Browser. Students, however, get the results in itslearning after the Test Mode Browser is closed.  

We recommend you use these browsers/devices if you are using Test Mode Browser: 

  • Windows 10 and 11
  • Mac OS 10.12 and above
  • Windows Virtual Machine (Lab edition ONLY)
  • Chromebooks with ChromeOS 88 and above (K12 ONLY, Managed Chromebooks ONLY, separate app, runs in kiosk mode) 

It is also available for iPads (iOS 11+), but sadly we have some issues there that are difficult to resolve, so it is not a recommended solution for now in combination with the new test tool.

Related pages (click on the text to access the links): 

How to Create a Test

How to migrate questions from the old test tool to the new test tool

New Test Tool Settings

Question types in the new test tool

Share the test in Library

Print a Test

What the student sees when they are taking the test

Test assessment and feedback

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