Release 119 March 2021 notes

What's new in our March 2021 Release?

This is a technical release with bug fixes and improvements. 

  • It is now possible to replace an embedded Office document with another Office document. For example, to replace a file with a newer/updated version. This is great for files that are attached to a plan and connected to standards/learning objectives. Also, useful if you are using SharePoint or Microsoft Teams as a content management system. Files can be replaced both in a Course and in the Library.
  • Drop down selector introduced to make it easier for admins to select the date range in storage report. 
  • Removed: 'Picture with description' tool. Pictures can be uploaded directly as resources. (Available since Release 116 in October 2020. For more information see Other Changes in the Release 116 notes.)
  • Removed: Conference tool which used Flash. Adobe began blocking Flash content in January after ending support in December 2020. Users can instead use Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Zoom and other supported conference tools for online lessons or meetings.
  • New Test Tool: The rollout remains paused, as increased usage revealed issues that could lead to reduced performance. We are working on resolving this issue and continuing to support remote learning for all our customers during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. We will continue the rollout once the improvements are in place.

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