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Release 113 May 2020 Notes

What's new?

Weekly 360° Updates from your Courses

One-click opt-in for course activity updates. Teachers can now choose to receive weekly updates. This is useful, especially in remote learning, to keep track of how students are engaging with course activity week to week. 

Admins can also activate this feature at the site level. Go to ‘Admin’ >> ‘Edit global settings’ >> ‘Features and security’. Teachers will still need to opt-in. If it is turned off, teachers will not get any messages.

  • Select which courses you want to get updates for.
  • Get the summary directly via our instant messaging tool on your desktop platform or mobile app.
  • Opt-in or opt-out any time.
  • Each message links back to the 360° reports overview page. Here’s where you can view the full report or change the notification settings.

If your school is currently using 360° reports, this feature will be automatically turned on. This will be done sequentially, so could take some weeks post-release.

For all new customers, this feature will be default ON.

New ILP Improvements

  • More flexibility: Midterm reviews no longer require courses to be linked to a specific term.
  • Better overview for mentors: One view for all midterm reviews assessed in the last 4 months. Note: All midterm reviews from the last 4 months will be shown as the default if the student does not have a current plan.
  • Switch between students: We’ve made it easier for mentors to switch between students in the detailed ILP page.

For users who have recently moved to itslearning from Fronter or another LMS, you can now retain old plans in the context of new plans for documentation purposes.

Mentors can now upload exported plans as attachments to the detailed ILP page for each student, using our file uploader.

Blog email notifications

  • Users previously had to enter an email address in the blog settings page, to receive email notifications on new comments. This setting has now been consolidated with other email alerts, and can be found under ‘Your settings’ >> ‘Alerts’.
  • It is by default switched ON.
  • If you don’t want to receive e-mail notifications, you can either turn it off for the entire ePortfolio or disable comments on the individual page or blog post.

Higher Education Attendance System

  • Student attendance across all courses is available directly from the students’ profile card. Note: Teachers can only view courses they are teaching.
  • Attendance managers can now choose the dates to include in the export.
  • Attendance managers can now see the courses where attendance is not yet enabled. This overview and control will allow them to better track attendance and follow-up if teachers are not taking attendance on a regular basis.
  • A label describing the difference between Site and School is now shown when enabling attendance manager for a profile. ‘Site’ allows users to see attendance for all courses and course participants on the site, while ‘School’ limits visibility to courses and course participants in their schools.

Even more

  • Homepage now has a darker background color to improve contrast and readability.
  • Course friendly names used in course cards will now appear in the students’ profile card.
  • To ensure teachers’ follow-up tasks only contain the most relevant tasks, their tasks will appear in the list for 35 days. You can find older tasks under Resources.
  • Default view of plans has been changed from “All upcoming” to “All”.

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