Release 110 - August 2019 notes

Adding O365 Files

There are two options for adding Microsoft Office 365 files.

1. Upload a copy of the document

  • Edits to the original document are not reflected in the copy in itslearning
  • Document remains in itslearning when the original is deleted

2. Embed a linked document

  • Edits to the original document are reflected in the version embedded in itslearning
  • Document will no longer be accessible when the original is deleted
  • Works with all external sharing settings

Note: System Administrators can decide whether to allow both these ways of adding Office resources, or only permit one. 

Easier to share files

Organizations that have Office 365 Education can now allow for sharing from Microsoft SharePoint or Teams.

  • Immediately see and add resources from groups you are a member of
  • Easily add resources for students (read-only access)
  • Work with multiple accounts
  • Allows you to preview files

Once activated, ‘Add from OneDrive’ becomes ‘Add from Office 365’.

Two options will appear – select from ‘OneDrive’ or ‘SharePoint’ (includes Teams).

Quick Add recently created Google files

When you click ‘Add’ in Plans, you will now see a new sub-menu that shows recently created resources.

Just click to add to your lesson plan.

No need to open a folder or shared drive.

*Resources from Google Shared drives are not included, but we are looking at this for a future release.

Manage multiple cloud accounts

Add multiple Google or Microsoft Office 365 accounts to itslearning. You can quickly swap between your home and school accounts.

Choose which is active at any time.

See at a glance whether it’s a Google or Microsoft account.

*Your school’s administrator determines if you can work with Google, Microsoft or both.

Mass messages

It’s now easier to inform your entire community at once with mass messages.

Recipients will be notified on itslearning and via the itslearning app. They cannot respond to Mass Messages.

The messaging tool must be activated to use mass messages.

The site administrator determines who has authorization to send mass messages.

*A version with school specific features will follow in a future release.

Watch the video

Home page updates

Give courses easy to remember friendly names. The friendly name will appear in the task list and recent updates and personal notifications.

Search for courses

Show teachers in a course by name and image

  • You will only see one image and name.
  • Default is the first teacher on the list.
  • Use the edit function to change

Course overview

Students can now find their completed tasks in their task list on the course overview page.

Completed section lists all the tasks that the student has submitted and includes status and assessment status from the teacher.

The Active section is the default.

Even More

  • Discussions: Mobile layout has been optimized so that discussions are now even easier to follow on any device.
  • 360° Reports: Standardized the use of ‘visited’ and ‘not visited’ to show whether a student has or has not viewed a course resource. We no longer use ‘read’ and ‘not read’.

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