Release 109 July 2019 Notes

Stay Organized

With this update you can:

  • Drag and drop to change the order of courses
  • Switch the course cards color
  • Give your course a user-friendly name (contact your administrator for edit rights)

If your school has selected a custom start page such as the school dashboard or calendar this will not change. However, you can still visit the new Home page by clicking ‘Home’.

Quick Access to cloud resources

The ‘Add’ menu has links to your preferred cloud partner (Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive) which can be accessed in a single click.

Resources most commonly used by teachers are now at the top of the “Add” window.

Quick Add recently created resources

When you click ‘Add’ in Plans, you will see a new sub-menu that shows recently created resources. Just click to add to your lesson plan. No need to open a folder or shared drive.

Link up course resources

We have improved how you link from one course resource to another. Simply add a link in the rich text editor to another resource within the same course. For example: you can link support material in a page to an assignment, or link a follow-up discussion to a test.

Watch the video:

Even More

  • You can now export the student overview pages of all 360° Reports to Excel (or a compatible spreadsheet program) with a single click. The spreadsheets are formatted to be printer-friendly.
  • ‘Bulletins’ is now ‘Announcements’ (only in English).
  • Better readability of calendars imported from other systems (e.g. Zermelo or Xedule).
  • Students are no longer automatically enrolled into courses using “external enrollment”. Course managers now need to approve applications. This will affect existing and new courses.

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