Release 101 Notes

Assignment Templating with G Suite Enhancements

The new integration between G Suite and itslearning allows teachers and students to create, collaborate and collect files using only one login. When attaching a Google document to an assignment, teachers can choose to make a copy for each student, follow up on in-progress work and provide just-in-time feedback to each one in the class.

The templating functionality using Google documents in the assignment tool got even better with some new improvements.

  • Plagiarism support: When plagiarism is enabled, we now send a copy of the submitted answer to the plagiarism service (Urkund or Ephorus).
  • Peer assessment: Now Google templating can be used together with peer assessment. Like with regular assignments, it will take a PDF copy of the submission and allow peers to comment on the document in our own document viewer.
  • Warning about anonymous assignments: A warning is shown when a teacher is trying to use both the anonymous assessment and the templating functionality since it is not possible to anonymize the account data within the Google documents.
  • Ask to log in with the connected account: A notification will show if the user is not connected to the Google account linked to itslearning while trying to view an assignment answer. This might happen if the user is working with different accounts – a personal and school account – or on various devices.

Remember that these improvements are available for our customers with G Suite. If you are not using Google Assignments and want to opt-in, please follow the instructions for admins.

All-in-one grader is ready for the prime time!

New improvements have been added to the All-in-one grader.

A warning for unsaved changes on an answer's assessment, a notification for the teacher of a draft answer by a student, a link to view the rubric assessment within the feature and clearer access to plagiarism reports.

Watch our video to learn more about how these improvements work.

Our most liked features were improved! 

Learning Paths

Want to delete a resource from the learning path? You can now move it to another folder, instead of going straight to the trash can. We also made it a bit easier to add resources to a Learning Path.

Add an assignment

We are bringing back this functionality! Now all of the users that use Google Drive will see that the selected file will be uploaded to itslearning and for specific Google formats like Google Docs, will upload a PDF.

Gradebook Plus

All contents of Gradebook can be exported to CSV files compatible with Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, OpenOffice Calc, and other mainstream spreadsheet software. The “Export to CSV” option is located in the dropdown page options menu in the top-right corner of the Gradebook page. You can modify what is exported on the Gradebook settings.

360° Reports

After listening to our users and understanding that for some the 360° Reports might provide too much information to teachers, it is now possible to turn on/off each report section (activity, progress, and grades) at the site/course level. Would you like to try it out? Contact local support.

It's all about… branding!

Sysadmin or admin (in root hierarchy) have access to site branding.

Here they will have an option to define if the site branding logo should also be used for dashboard branding.

Users with the profile admin can then only add and edit the background image and the title. Admins will be informed if the branding logo is pre-set from site level.

Changes to itslearning developer program and extension development

There have been some changes to extension development and usage of third-party extensions/apps, as part of the GDPR compliance requirements.

  • Third-party extension developers using will only be allowed to create extensions that require a license.
  • Customers that are developing their own extensions using their local developer portal, will only be allowed to create extensions their site only.
  • Customers that want to use a licensed third-party app need to activate the app before it can be used. This must be done by the site administrator clicking in Admin Tools < Manage app < Third-party apps tab.

Note that all third-party licensed apps that have been used before by users will be activated by default.

Are you a Chromebook user?

Support for the test-mode browser while using Chromebooks is now available.

The user experience is different from Windows, Mac and iPad and there are some requirements needed:

  • It is only supported on school-wide managed Chromebooks (BYOD is a no-go).
  • The app must be added by the administrator and is available in the login screen for the student.

For the admin, detailed instructions to set up the itslearning TMB app are available by contacting itslearning.

Simplified column to add files

Were you confused by the ‘upload’ and ‘link’ options while adding files?
Now you will find a simplified column called ‘Add from’. The cloud options in this column can be enabled or disabled by the administrator. Note that the option to upload a whole folder is only available in the File or Folder element.

For OneDrive, there is still the option to choose whether you want to upload or link to the file, but this choice is moved into the upload dialog. By default, we will link to the file, so the changes made on OneDrive are reflected in itslearning, but the user can choose to ‘Upload a copy to itslearning’.For Google, we will always link to the file to ensure the file can be viewed with Google’s own document viewers.

Instant Messenger

Block messages and Report abuse for Instant Messaging (IM)

The block message functionality for students allows them only to block other students. The permission is based on the user’s role in the site level hierarchy. The two features “Block messages” and “Report abuse” will now be enabled for all customers.

Note they are not yet available in the mobile app. Also, the features can be turned off if the admin opts out. For new sites, they will be enabled by default.


Support Access

Users can grant itslearning support and services access to their site without having to share user accounts or password. Access is set in combination with an expiry date of their choice. With the setting enabled, users can have hands-on help from itslearning support and service experts when needed.

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