Release 99 Notes

Personalized learning available with Learning Paths

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to teaching. Different interests, learning styles, and levels of understanding present a challenge when resources are limited. However, thanks to Learning Paths, it is effortless to truly personalize the learning experience and set students up for success, by creating a sequence of resources that allow them to progress at their own pace and move ahead based on the outcome. 

How to create a Learning Path: 

  • Quick start with resources already on your computer, your cloud storage, or in itslearning, and connect them in the desired way.
  • Use the Library to quickly find content from millions of vetted OER resources and bring them into the learning path. 
  • Embed learning path using the Course Template capability – especially suited for curriculum designers – to quickly roll out a path for multiple teachers at once. 

Watch how Learning Paths work here.

Instant Messaging (IM) is now safer and friendlier

We’ve rolled out changes to the instant messaging system that make it even easier for teachers and students to connect, sort the messages that are important, and better control privacy settings.  

With the improved IM, students and teachers can star important messages, reply to a specific user within a group conversation, and forward a message.  

Also, the eSafety rules have been updated. For all changes to privacy settings, particularly when it removing a user’s ability to communicate, a confirmation dialogue now appears. Remember — changing the settings does not affect existing conversations.  

Faster and easier management for administrators

Cleaning up old courses and projects is a better experience now with these improvements:   

  • Bulk actions – Identify and select all the courses/projects that need to be delete, move or edit at once. No restrictions due to pagination. 
  • Improved search – Find courses/projects easier with our new search that looks for keywords anywhere in the title, not only from the beginning of the string.  
  • More filters – Number of participants, days since last visit, and archived before given date are the new options available.  

Working Portfolio, now with Office Online and a new file uploader

If Office Online is enabled, teachers and students can now create Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents directly in the Working portfolio. These documents can also be transferred to the assessment portfolio. 

The file uploader in the Working Portfolio has been improved! Depending on the site settings, it will show the options of File or Folder or File or Link.  

More improvements

  • Show Learning objective context in tooltip: To help identify where the learning objective is located in the hierarchy, the path  (up to two parent levels) is shown on top of the tooltip.   
  • New infographic to the student 360-degree activity report: Visits by weekday and time of day allows teachers to see the weekly pattern of student activity. 
  • LTI Integration Enhancements: The administrator can edit the names of the LTI tools in the menu to make it more user-friendly. The LTI content will now display in full-screen when viewed in a course resource.   
  • Data Warehouse: The information on has been updated on each entity to show how the data warehouse data relates to and is used in; also, how the entities are related to each other. Scenarios and examples are being provided to share best practice guidance. 

Many entities have date data updated that allow administrators to get all warehouse data updated between two date stamps. It also allows daily, weekly, monthly updates. 

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