Release 95 Notes

Promote your brand in itslearning

Your brand is your identity and we know many of you have wanted to promote your brand in itslearning. In this release we’re happy to introduce branding for site and hierarchy dashboards. Through a simple interface you can add your own logo, top banner, and a tagline.

To get started with branding, login as an Administrator. Click Settings on a site or hierarchy dashboard and follow the on-screen instructions:

On smaller devices, the background image will be replaced with an itslearning graphic.

Please note that branding currently isn’t available on the mobile app.

Resizing images in the rich text editor

It’s now possible to resize images inserted into the rich-text editor simply by dragging the image.

Office Online now in full-screen

You can now open files in full-screen view in Office Online. Simply click the ‘Full-screen’ link to enlarge your work area.

Faster viewing of PDF files

PDFs now open in a faster viewer. As a result, Word Online will no longer be used to open PDF files.

A more uniform homework experience

To make it easier to recognize homework in calendar events, we’re now labeling events with homework with the homework icon instead of the letter 'H'.

School and site filter in Library

If something in a Library search result is shared with your site or one or more schools you’re a member of, you can now filter search results on the provider.

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