Release 94 Notes

Security enhancements

As part of our continuous efforts to ensure itslearning is secure in every aspect, we have implemented some security enhancements in this release. We have made changes to the “Your web files” area. Content stored on “Your web files” are now no longer allowed to run scripts.

We would like to thank Mustafa Kemal Can and Martin Sundhaug for their input to these changes.

Get notified about new bulletin comments

Have you ever missed a comment to a bulletin? To help you keep track of bulletin comments we’ve introduced notifications on new comments. The bulletin author and those who have commented the bulletin will receive a notification in the bell in the top menu when someone posts a new comment. Also, if a teacher deletes a comment, the author of the comment is notified.

If you no longer want to receive notifications from a specific bulletin, you can easily turn off notifications by clicking ‘Turn off notifications’.

Better overview of bulletins

We’ve made it easier for teachers to filter bulletins in a course. A new ‘Show’ drop-down allows you to filter on:

  • Current: Bulletins that are visible to the student right now.
  • Scheduled: Upcoming bulletins that are not yet published.
  • Expired: Previously scheduled bulletins that are no longer shown.

By filtering you can, for example, get a better overview of bulletins your students see, find bulletins you want to reuse, and edit upcoming bulletins.

Side panel in assignments now expanded by default

We’ve listened to you and now keep the sidebar of the assignment expanded after you save an assignment. Previously we automatically collapsed it, which made it unclear how to edit the assignment options.

Group assignments more flexible for students

Group assignments are now more flexible for students:

  • Any group member can now add members to the group
  • It’s possible for anyone, including the student who created the group, to change their mind and join another group

Note that when an answer has been saved it will no longer be possible to add or remove members.

Embedded videos now in full screen

When you’ve inserted embedded video in our rich-text editor you can now choose to view it in full screen mode. Several popular web sites with embed options allow full screen mode by using the AllowFullscreen HTML attribute in their embed codes.

We’ve added the tag to our list of approved HTML code:

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