To save you time when creating a survey, we have added an option to use predefined answer alternatives in multiple choice and matrix questions. The predefined alternatives are specified below.
List name | Top alternative → | ← bottom alternative | |||
Custom This results in blank fields, and is selected by default. | |||||
Numbered scale (1-5) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Agreement | Strongly disagree | Disagree | Neither agree nor disagree | Agree | Strongly agree |
Quality | Very poor | Poor | Fair | Good | Excellent |
Satisfaction | Not at all satisfied | Slightly satisfied | Moderately satisfied | Very satisfied | Completely satisfied |
Importance | Not at all important | Slightly important | Moderately important | Very important | Extremely important |
Frequency | Never | Rarely | Sometimes | Often | Always |
Emojis | :| |