Release Notes 121 June

New planner

  • It is easier to use with a modern design that makes adding content simpler. 
  • Teachers can opt-in and opt-out at any time, and no work will be lost when changing from the old to new planner and back again.
    In the Plan settings look for the "new planner" toggle, where you will also find overview information on the new planner. Alternatively, the information can also be found on our Support site

PDF in Assignments

  • Make a copy of a PDF in the Assignment tool for each individual student or group to complete. For example, students can each have a copy of a PDF form to complete as part of their assignment. 
  • Teachers can annotate and draw on PDF submissions. This works best with a stylus (or your finger) on a touch screen device, but you can also use a mouse. The updated toolbar has colored pens and an eraser.

Rich Text Editor Improvements

  • Teachers and students can now easily add an image to the rich text editor. Copy-paste the image or drag it into the editor from your computer. 
  • Broken the link between 'your files' and tools in the course. If you now add an image from your files, it will be kept in the tool even if you remove the original. This means content shared by teachers is now not dependent on them keeping the original. This will be the new standard across itslearning, with a few exceptions (such as the new Test tool) which will be improved later. 
  • Updating the math equation tool in the content editor to iMathEQ. This is easy to use and any equations you add with the old tool can be edited with the new tool.

Note: These improvements to the editor will be gradually enabled over the summer. 

New Test Tool

  • Restarted rollout of the new test tool to all customers (with some exceptions). 
  • In this transition period you can continue to use the old test tool, while trying out the new one. Eventually, all historical tests will be migrated to the new tool. You do not need to do anything. 
  • The new test tool covers most features from the old tool and we are prioritizing the development of additional features based on user feedback. 
  • Password protected tests will be available in the new test tool after the next update.
  • Updates to the new test tool will be released separate to the general release. The tool will also have a separate set of release notes which you can access with this link.

Other Changes:

  • 360° Reports now show more information on SCORM content in the resources report.
  • Better student information management: Administrators can use profiles and policies to limit what personal information students can see and change in their profile. For example, they can now set it that students can see, but not change their email.
  • Messaging: To help avoid confusion when sending messages to users with similar names we have added additional information about the home organization of each contact.
  • When creating a task, teachers can now decide if they want to track tasks that are marked as completed by students. By default, students can mark their task as completed, but teachers can now choose to have this status displayed in their own follow-up tasks.
  • Enhanced choices for anonymity when assessing students. 

Information contained here also applies to Fronter 19. All releases are rolling releases which means some customers will get the updates later than others. 

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