Release 123 October 2021 notes

Easier to add images in the rich text editor

  • Upload images directly into the content editor from your device. To add, click 'Add from computer' in the editor menu. No need to first add images to "Your files" unless you want to keep them in itslearning for reuse later.
  • Images can now be twice the previous maximum size. Also easier to resize and move with a resizing option in each corner of the image.
  • Maximum size of image submitted as an attachment in an assignment answer has also been increased to 1920 pixels. 


Student annotations on PDFs 

Students can now use the built-in PDF annotation tools to draw on or comment on the PDFs when they are not a form or 'fillable' PDF. Teachers can see these annotations in the All-in-One grader and add their own annotation.

(Since R121 in June, teachers have been able to upload, share a copy of PDFs in the assignment tool and annotate PDFs.) 

Commenting on ePortfolios by external users

Users who do not have an itslearning account (such as external industry advisers or mentors in vocational education) can now comment on an ePortfolio.

For security reasons this only works on password protected ePortfolios, and only people who know the password will have comment access. 

Share Microsoft Stream video

Pasting a link to a Microsoft Stream video in an announcement or via the embed icon in the content text editor, will automatically show the video.

Note: Users must be logged in to the same Microsoft tenant to view an embedded video.

New Planner enhancements

Improved content editor with more rich text and plugin functionality.  

Teachers can now customize plan fields in Plan setting.

  • Rename existing fields
  • Add new fields
  • Reorganize the order of plan fields 

Other Updates

  • The weekly updates from 360° reports, sent every Sunday to teachers who have opted in, are now automatically gathered in one thread for each course. 
  • When the amount of time the student has spent working with content is displayed in itslearning, this information has the same header and label in all reports for consistency.
  • Performance improvements to messaging so it is now possible to send a message to a course with 300 students or more. This is for group conversations only.

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