Course Participants Page


Introduction - Adding groups ('hierarchy synchronisation')

The participant page is aimed to make it easier to add a group of users - such as a class or lesson group - to a course. By default, any membership changes to this group made by the administrator or an integration are reflected in the course. Previously this could be done on the tab 'Hierarchy synchronisation'.
Now, by clicking the button 'Add participants' on the 'Participants' tab, teachers can both add individual users as well as a whole group. In addition it is possible to add a whole group from the Groups tab.

If you don't want changes in membership of a group to be reflected in your course, you can remove this automatic update on the Groups tab. This is explained further down this article.

Course participants

On this tab you can see the users that are currently participating in this course and the role they have. It is also possible to add or remove participants, or to send a message to one or more users.

Add participants

When adding participants, you can choose to add them individually or as a whole group. 

By clicking on the arrow to the right or anywhere else on the group, you can browse through the structure. The crumb trail can be used to navigate back in the structure.

By clicking the "Add group" button you can add the whole group to the course. It is also possible to add users individually by clicking the "Add participants" button. By default the role a user has in the organisation (or hierarchy) group is selected, but this can be changed to any of the course roles. If the whole group is added, each user will be added with their default role. You can still change this afterwards.

Note: (system) administrators can only be added individually and they can be found on the site or organisation level in the structure. It is also possible to search for them.

Search for users or groups

In addition to browsing through the group structure of the organisation, it is also possible to search for users or groups. After you have entered your search criteria, you can choose to show only organisation groups or only participants.

Add groups

By default users with the course role Teacher cannot add a group that contains other groups. This is only allowed for users with the course role Administrator. This can for example be needed if they need courses for the whole organisation or a whole year or cohort. 

With the user right "Import group structures when adding organisation groups to courses", which can be found on the Course tab under Profiles, it is possible to grant this right to the Teacher role as well.

This will show the "Add group" button on any level in the structure.

Sending messages

The action "Send message" will appear when either the internal messaging system is enabled, and/or cloud email is enabled.


On this tab you can manage all groups that are added to this course. These are separated in 2 section:

  • Organisation groups
  • Course groups

Organisation groups

An organisation group is a group that is part of the hierarchy structure of the organisation, which can be managed by the (system) administrator or via an integration with an SIS. When adding an organisation group to a course, any changes in memberships within the group - such as a new student in class - will automatically be reflected in the course. In this section you can:

  • Add a new organisation group to the course
  • Send a message to all members of the group 
  • Remove the automatic update for an organisation group. This will add all members of the group as individual participants. Any changes to the memberships of the organisation group will no longer be reflected in the course.
  • Remove an organisation group from the course.

If more than one organisation group has been added to the course, or if you have created course groups as well, you can use an organisation group to filter lists of students or to assign content to. 

Course groups

Course groups can be created within the course to for example divide students into smaller groups. These groups can then be use to differentiate or allow students work on group assignments.

It is possible to create a group manually and then add members to it, or to automatically create several groups and have itslearning add members to them.

When you choose to create one group, you first need to give the group a name.

After that, you can add course participants to that group.

Create several groups

When you choose to create several groups, you need to give the group a name. For each group created, there will be a sequential number added behind this name.

In addition, you can choose how you want to split students in groups. You can either choose the number of groups, in which case the course participants will be randomly added to these groups, or you can choose how many students there should be in a single group. In this case, the number of groups will depend on the number of participants in your course.

You can always open a course group by clicking on its name and manually add or remove group members.

Removed participants

The tab "Removed participants" allows you to see the users that have been removed from this course, either manually or via an integration. It allows teachers to access a student's assessment record to for example finish registering their grades in the SIS.

When the site setting "Let teachers grant temporary access to students who have been removed from a course" is enabled, it allows teachers to give a removed participant temporary access to the course so they can for example finish assessments.

As long as there is a student with temporary access, there will be an additional column on the "Course participants" tab with a label for each student with temporary access.


If it is possible for students to enrol in the course, via for example the course catalogue, the tab Applicants will show. Here, teachers can approve or reject applications if it has been specified that applications need to be approved.

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