Archive a course in itslearning

Archiving a course is particularly useful at the end of the school year, especially for courses no longer in active use. These courses will no longer appear on the course overview page, but can still be accessed. Archived courses can also serve as templates for new courses.

Note: If you no longer need a course and the corresponding content, it would be better to delete the course to save storage space. (Read more in the page on How to delete courses.)


How to archive a course

  1. In the Course menu, go to 'Participants'. Check if there is any hierarchy synchronisation (further information on this can be found below).
  2. Open the course settings by clicking on 'More (...)' >Settings' in the course menu.
  3. Click on 'Course properties and features'.
  4. Click on the three-dot button (ellipsis) in the top right. Then select 'Move to archive' from the list that opens.
  5. Confirm by clicking 'OK' 
  6. When you archive a course, it will be archived for all participants. Confirm the process by clicking OK. (If you want to continue to give some participants access to course content, please see 'Access to an archived course' at the bottom of this article.)

Archive multiple courses

1. Go to the course overview list. Click 'All courses'. 

2. Check the courses to be archived. 

3. Click Archive (on the same menu line as 'Add')

4. Click 'OK' to confirm that these courses should be archived. 

Find archived courses

  1. The 'All Courses' list also display your archived courses.
  2. To see your archived courses, open the course overview list by clicking "All" courses.
  3. Click on the dropdown. Select 'Archived' to see all your archived courses.

Reactivate an archived course

  1. In the All Courses page, filter and find the archived courses.
  2. Select the course(s) that you want to reactivate, by clicking in the checkbox. 
  3. Click 'Unarchive'.

Access to an archived course

When you archive a course, the course will be archived for all participants. If you intend to give certain students access to the course content, they must be listed on the course list.

If the course participants are connected to the course via hierarchy synchronization, the course participants will change as soon as the hierarchy structure changes. 

For example, at the end of a school year, students in Class 7a (who will move to Class 8a) will no longer have access to the course material for 7a. 

To continue to give students access, you must remove the hierarchy synchronisation:

  • Select the course
  • From the course menu, click 'More' and 'Participants'.
  • Select the 'Hierarchy Synchronisation' tab.
  • Click the connected hierarchy and choose 'Remove Hierarchy'.
  • Save.


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