All Course Settings


Course Settings

Course settings allow the teacher to edit settings related to the course. Navigate to settings from the ‘More (...)’ option in your submenu in your course. 

Course properties and features

  • Change the course name and colours: You can change the name and color associated with the course on this page. These changes will be reflected on the Course page, and are amongst the changes you can do directly from there as well. Note that course names created through integration usually can not be changed.
  • Course codes and Hours of the course: Are usually managed through integrations, and are imported from your preferred SIS. However, if you dont use integrations and are manually setting up itslearning, you can insert the correct hours here and get the right percentages etc when you are registering absence. 
  • Terms are divisions of the school year in which your grades are organised.These divisions may also be called semesters, quarters, or trimesters, for example. Your itslearning administrator will have created terms for your organization to insert into a course.                                                                                                         

If your course has been set up through an integration process or using a template, these settings may already be in effect. If no terms are listed in your course, choose ‘add term.’ Then, select the appropriate terms for your course and select add.  If you do not see any terms listed, please contact your itslearning administrator.


  • Links: allows links related to the course to be placed in the links option of the menu.
  • Files in course: If you activate this option, you can also include documents that you have created in other applications in addition to the Internet links.
  • Participants: allows course participants to see all participants within an entire course.
  • Portfolio assessment: allows participants to create a portfolio from work within a course.
  • Status and follow-up: allows participants to access their grades and reports.
  • Learning objectives: allows for learning objectives to be applied and mastery tracked within a course.
  • Assessment record: Activates the "Assessment record" function within a course.  (The global setting in the administration for the assessment record must also be activated).
  • Plans:  allows the use of plans within the course.
  • Attendance reporting: Allows students to register their own attendance
  • Teachers can only see and manage events for course groups they are a member of
  • Progress report: Allows you to see the progress report of the user.
  • Choose start page: Determines the first page that users see when opening a course.

360° reports

The 360° Degree Reports allow teachers and tutors to quickly compare the progress of all students in the course to determine which students might need some additional help. Teachers and tutors can deep-dive into each learner’s performance through easy-to-follow, visual infographics. This section turns on and off the 360 settings for an individual course.



The permissions allow participants to withdraw from a course. Also, this is where you would share the course to the site course catalogue. Teachers may not have permissions to add a course to the site course catalogue.

Accessible in course catalogue

It means that you toggle the course open or closed for the school course catalogue if it has one. When it says "None", all students will have to be entered into the course either manually, or trough an integration. When toggled on, you get this view: 

Now you can define how a student should get access to your course, and how much availability there is in it.

Share as a template 

  • Sharing a course as a template allows users to create a new course based on the template.  All elements within the template will copy over to the new course including the course settings, plans, and other course elements. This can be a great way to collaborate and share resources with your coworkers. 
  • Add content to library means that the resources in the course can be found through itslearning library function. The school administrator can set up the library so it either shares it locally to your school or to the library that anyone using itslearning can see. 
  • Add course teachers as co-author If you share a course as a template, and choose to add resources  to the Library, by default only the teacher that adds them to the Library can edit the resource. With this box checked, any teacher in the course will retain the possibility to edit the resource, even after its added to the library.


Learning Objectives

Back in the settings page, you will find the link to Learning objectives.

Insert learning objectives

To track standards mastery and progress, you will need to align your course to standards (or learning objectives).  

As a general rule, add all the standards/learning objectives that you will use in the course within a given year. However, you can always go back and add standards later. Remember though, the more standards that are aligned to a course, the more difficult it is to track mastery.

  • From here, you will find learning objectives that have been loaded into the platform. Choose “find” and navigate to the appropriate repository. The national repository will contain most state standards. In the US for instance, these include Common Core Standards and Next Generation Science and Social Studies Standards. 
  • Find the appropriate standards and then, insert the standards that will be used in this course.
  • For example, if this is a Grade 1 Math course, you will insert all Grade 1 math standards (not specific strands.)
  • Now, when you want to align standards/learning objectives to content or use them for assessment, these will be readily available to attach to Plans or Course elements.
  • When you have selected the appropriate standards/learning objectives, choose “insert.” Note: If standards are missing, contact your system administrator

Create learning objectives

Users also have the ability to manually create or upload standards. Teachers may create their own standards to track within a course. These standards might be more student friendly or possible non-academic standards. Note: If standards are created within a course, they cannot be shared with others unless the course is shared as a template.

An itslearning administrator can import learning objectives (standards) from an XML format. An Excel spreadsheet may be utilized to organize the information prior to converting to XML.

Settings for learning objectives' assessment

It is possible to track each students progress with an individual learning objective. You can find the menu for achievement levels here: 

That will bring you to this page:

You can then define levels and visibility of this possibility. 

Assessment settings

Assessment scale

The assessment scale should align with your school/district grading policies and is set up by your itslearning Administrator. While course teachers cannot change the existing Assessment scales, or delete these, you can create/delete your own grading scale. Score should also be an option for grading, and if it is not enabled, you should contact your itslearning Administrator.  To view details for a specific Assessment scale, click on the title.

Creating your own Assessment scale

1. Click on "Create"

 2. Fill out all the fields.

  • Title is the name of your new scale
  • Total means how its viewed in the Assessment record
  • Description gives you the possibility to define what the scale is for.
  • Calculate percentages automatically divides the number of rows with 100 to get what percentage the levels are at. If you uncheck this box, you can define your own percentage thresholds to aquire a grade. Percentages can be changed when used with tests means that you can change the percentage thresholds for an individual test when you make it.
  • The bottom rows is where you put in your new grades. Start with the highest/best assessment.
  • Remember to press "save"

3. This is what it looks like on the assessment settings page. Note that the new assessment is only available in the specific course where its made. If you want to be able to use it on multiple courses or schoolwide, ask your administrator to add them. 



The categories tab allows the teacher to set up categories for assignments, such as homework, tests, quizzes, etc.  These categories can be weighted, otherwise all categories will be weighted evenly.

Assessment record settings

NOTE! This page does not edit the course settings, but edit the settings for the assessments record found under "Status and follow up". These settings can also be accessed from there. 

  • Weighting: The teacher can turn on weighting on single assessments, average for participants and course average for each assessment such as an assignment or test.
  • Average: When average for participants is enabled, an additional tab titled "Average and count" will be visible in assessment record.
  • Export to a CSV file: The user can choose what data is included in the CSV file when selecting the option to "Export to CSV file" from the Assessment record settings page.


When assessment weighting is enabled, you can enter a numerical weight/value to individual assignments, tests, or tasks. Unless weighting is utilized, all are calculated as a percentage (100%). The option for weighting assessments allows you to increase the value for individual assignments. For example, one assignment might be multiplied twice while another one counts three times toward an average. Final assessments cannot be weighted.

In the Assessment Record overview, the assessment weight can be viewed by hovering over the element header and will appear in the tooltip.

How do I delete a course?

Deleting a course is something we wouldn't want you to do by mistake - so we hid it a bit. 

1. Go to course settings:

2. Choose "Course properties and features"3. Click on the extended menu (the three dots):

4. Click on "delete". After that, a new page will show up, where you press delete to delete the course.

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