360° Reports Overview

The 360° Degree Reports allow teachers and tutors to quickly compare the progress of all students in the course to determine which students might need some additional help. Teachers and tutors can deep-dive into each learner’s performance through easy-to-follow, visual infographics.

Teachers and tutors can use this information to understand how each student is engaging and progressing with course content, including time spent in course and time on task. This allows for better planning and understanding of teaching and learning, enabling actions and decisions that lead to success for all students.

You will find '360° Reports' in the Courses top menu if it has been activated by your school (check with your system administrator). This link many also appear in some instances under the 'More' tab. 

There are three reports, Activity, Progress and Grades. Each has a whole course overview, where you can scroll through all students and compare them to the course averages. Clicking on a student name will show a details page with more information. You can quickly jump to a new student, or one of the other reports from the details page. 

screenshot 360 reports overview 

Click the links below to learn more about the different 360° reports that itslearning provides: 

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