Notify from 360° Reports and weekly updates

Teachers can send messages to students in their courses directly from 360° Reports to keep them up to date with their progress and activity in a course.

All you have to do is:

  1. Select the student you want to send the message to.
  2. Click on the "airplane" icon.
  3. A "send message" window will appear, and you are ready to write your message

Check the video for more information about the 360 Report.

Receive Weekly Updates

When enabled by the system admin, teachers can opt-in to receive updates on course activity. Once you have opted in, you will receive a weekly summary in a message delivered to your desktop or mobile app.  

  • You can opt-in or out whenever you want. 
  • There is a link from the message to the 360° report where you can view the report or change the notification setting.
  • Choose from which courses to receive updates. 
  • Once a course is archived or removed, no more messages will be sent. 
  • Following GDPR best practice, you need to opt-in to receive the updates. 
  • This is a one-click process. Updates will be sent at the weekend, so will be ready for you at the start of the working week.

Click the links below to learn more about the different 360° reports that itslearning provides: 

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