Activity Reports via 360° Reports

Activity Overview

The overview report shows student activity over the past seven days (including the current day) compared to the course averages. You can search for a student and filter by groups. Hover over a student to see more detailed information for that individual. 

The visit duration is calculated in real-time, and may fluctuate if a student is active in the course as you are reviewing this page. 

Top Section

The top bars shows:

  • the total number of students who were active (visited) in the course in the previous 7 days and the total number of students in the course.
  • last 7 day course activity bar chart - this is calculated as total time spent in a course (of all students) divided by number of visits on that day.
  • The average visit duration - this is calculated by taking the visits of all students in a course since the start of the course. Note: This value could fluctuate at the beginning, but will stabilize over time. 

Mouse over the bar chart to see more details:


This shows the date, the total number of visits that day, the number of visitors, and the approximate duration of the visit. The average visit duration time is calculated as total time spent in a course (of all students) divided by number of visits on that day. The value is usually updated 1-2 minutes after any of the course participants has made some activity in the course (e.g. visited or viewed the course page for more than one minute).

If there is no data, the pop-up box will not appear.

Student List

This lists students who are active in the course. It does not list students who have left the course. If you have course groups set-up you can choose to filter the view to only show members of these groups.

  • The last 7 days activity shows the bars representing a student's activity during the last 7 days. This is calculated by summing up the duration of visits for that day.
  • The average duration is calculated as the approximate total time spent in a course by the student divided by number of visits to the course.

Mouse over the student's bar chart to see more details:


This image shows the date, total number of visits that day and the approximate duration of the visit. 

If there is no data, the pop-up box will not appear.

Activity Details Report

Here you can see detailed information on the student. At the top of the report you can quickly navigate to a different student or see the progress/grades report for the same student. You can also jump back to the overview.


  • Duration, average per day - this shows the approximate average duration of visits to the course by the student. It is calculated by dividing the total visits duration by the total number of days in which the student was active. This number will fluctuate if the student is currently active in the course. 
  • Number of visits, average per day - this shows the average number of visits to the course by the student. It is calculated by dividing the total number of visits by the total number of days in which the student was active.
  • The week to week activity compares the visit duration in the previous week, to the visit duration this week.
  • Total duration is the approximate total of all the time a student has spent in the course.
  • Total number of visits is total visits the student has made to the course.
  • Last visit shows the date the student last visited the course.

Activity per Day:

You can swap between a duration view or number of visits view. This gives you a detailed summary of course visits or approximate time spent in the course each month.

Activity Heat Map:

Shows an overview of a student's activity for the last 12 months. You can toggle between:

  • Visit duration - Information about a student's visit (duration time and number of visits on a particular day).
  • Actions taken - The student's activity is shown as visits to course elements (divided into resources and activities) and their communication activity, for example, taking part in discussions or sending instant messages. Deleted elements or posts are also included in the totals is there is activity.

You can mouse over the heat map to show more information:


  • Date: When the activity happened.
  • Actions: The total number of actions that day. An action is viewing a resource/activity, or adding a communication such as a bulletin comment.
  • Resources: The total number of resources (e.g. pages, files, etc,) viewed that day.
  • Activities: Total number of activities (e.g. task, assignment, etc.) viewed that day.
  • Communication: Total number of bulletins, discussion posts created that day.


This shows how the student is engaging with the communication aspects of the course.

  • Threads started - the number of new threads started by students within discussions.
  • Discussion posts - the number of all the posts in all the discussions for a single user in a course. First post created while creating a thread is also counted here.
  • Bulletin comments - the number of comments in bulletins.

Click the links below to learn more about the different 360° reports that itslearning provides: 

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