Grades Report via 360° reports


The Grades report shows the student’s achievements and grade trends against the course average. Helping understand the underlying direction of attainment can give teachers valuable insight into how assessments are working across the courses.

Grades Overview

The overview shows individual student grade trends against the course average.

Note: Some customers use the grade book setting 'Show course average for each assignment, test, etc.' to hide the overall grade average. The 360° Reports take this into account will also hide the grade average.

Main Section

The main section gives a course overview.

  • Students: Total number of all students in a course.
  • Assessments: Number of assessable elements in a selected term (those that have an assessment scale or score set-up).
  • Grade scales: Number of scales used in assessable elements in the selected term.

The summary grade trend shows the course average trend for the selected assessment scale and term. Only elements added to grade book are shown. We show both mandatory and non-mandatory items. We include manual assessments. 

You can change the term and assessment scale in the drop down lists. Changing the assessment scale/term selectors will recalculate the overall course grade trend.

Rules for showing grades in the trend graph:

  • Must be dded to the grade book - only elements added to the grade book are shown.
  • Mandatory & non-mandatory are both included.
  • Match both the "Assessment Scale" and "Term" filters below. 
  • Manual assessments are included.

The overall grade average is calculated by taking the average grade from student averages.

The rules for including grades in the overall average are:

  • Must be added to the grade book - only elements added to the grade book are shown.
  • Mandatory & non-mandatory are both included.
  • Match both the "Assessment Scale" and "Term" filters below. 
  • Manual assessments are included.

Student List

Shows only students who are active in the course. It does not list students who have left the course. If you have course groups set up you can choose to filter the view to only show members of these groups.

The grade trend and average grade follow the same rules for the top section. These show the student's averages only.

Grades Details Report

The grades detailed report shows the students grade trend and summary of assessments. At the top of the report you can quickly navigate to a different student or see the activity/progress report for the same student. You can also jump back to the overview.

You can change the term and assessment scale in the drop down lists. Changing the assessment scale/term selectors will recalculate the grade trend.

Grade trend:

  • The default grade trend shows all assessment elements (e.g. assignments, tests, tasks, etc) in one graph.
  • You can filter the assessment type 'Overall grade average' to show just one of these, or return the view to 'all assessments'.
  • The summary grade trend shows the course average trend for the selected assessment scale and term. Only elements added to the grade book are shown. We show both mandatory and non-mandatory items. Manual assessments are includec. You can change the term and assessment scale in the drop down lists. Changing the assessment scale/term selectors will recalculate the overall course grade trend.


You can see a summary of the assessments that go into the trend graph.

  • The green bar shows the number of activities completed by the deadline.
  • Yellow shows the number of activities completed past the deadline.
  • Red shows the number of activities that were not completed.

Click the links below to learn more about the different 360° reports that itslearning provides: 

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