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Progress Reports via 360° Reports


The Progress report shows how well students are completing their activities such as assignments, homework, tests, etc. across the course and the amount of time they are spending on their work and reading resources online. Progress on mandatory and optional work can be compared against class averages to identify how student are progressing and to show where additional support may be needed.

  • Activities are 'elements' in a course that usually have an assessment/grade. These are Assignment, Test, Survey, Task and any learning tool extension that can be assessed (has an assessment scale set-up). We exclude manual assessments and LTI tools.
  • Resources are 'elements' in a course, that can be viewed/read by a student. Examples of resources: File, Lesson, Link, Note and some learning tool elements (extensions).

Progress Overview

The Progress overview shows individual student progression against the course average.

Top Section

The top section gives a course overview.

  • Students: Total number of all participants.
  • Resources: Total number of non-assessable elements. E.g. pages, files.
  • Activities: Total number of assessable elements. E.g. tasks, assignments.
  • Activities completed: Total number of activities completed by each student in a course, divided by total number of activities that each student in a course can participate in. Deleted activities are not taken into account. 
  • Resources visited: Total number of resources visited by each student in a course, divided by number of resources that each student in a course can view. Deleted activities are not taken into account. 

Student List

Shows only students who are active in the course. It does not list students who have left the course. If you have course groups set-up you can choose to filter the view to only show members of these groups.

The information presented for each student:

  • Activities progress: Calculated by counting the total number of activities a student has completed and dividing it by total number of active, not deleted activities, that student can participate in. 
  • Resources progress: Calculated by counting the number of resources, that are active, can be read by a student, and which students have read at least once, divided by number of resources that are active and can be read by a student.

Mouse over the student activities or resources to see the total number of items and those that are completed or visited.

Progress Details Report

Here you can see detailed progress information for the student. At the top of the report you can quickly navigate to a different student or see the activity/grades report for the same student. You can also jump back to the overview.

Overall progress:

Shows progress through all elements within the course.

  • Activities: Shows total number of activities open to the student.
  • Overall progress: Shows percentage of activities completed by the student.

You can see the status of the activities as follows:

  • Completed on time - marked as green and denotes the number of elements that the student had completed before the deadline (if any).
  • Completed past deadline - marked as orange and denotes the number of elements that the student had completed. Deadline has passed but the element is still active.
  • Incomplete past deadline - marked as red and denotes the number of elements that the student did not complete. Deadline has passed and the activity is no longer 'active'.
  • Open - dark grey denotes the elements that are currently open and ready to be completed by students.
  • Not active - light grey denotes the elements that are not active and waiting for the activation date. This includes elements that have been manually deactivated by the teacher, but excludes those that have passed the expiry date.

You can see the status of the resources as follows:

  • Resources: Shows the total number of resources available to the student.
  • Overall progress: Shows the percentage of resources visited by the student.
  • Read: Marked as green. Denotes the number of elements that students have 'read' (visited).
  • Not read: Marked as dark grey. Denotes the number of elements that are ready to be read by the students, but have not yet been read.
  • Not active: Marked as light grey. Denotes number of elements that have not been activated. 

Course elements:

This section lists all of the elements, as default shown in their course folders and sub-folders. Beside each element you can see:

  • Status -  completed, open, read or not read. The color of the 'ticks' and 'crosses' corresponds with the overall progress section. For example, if an element was completed but marked as orange, it means it was completed after the deadline.
  • Last visit date - the date when the student last looked at the element. Note: This may not be the date they submitted an assessment.
  • Time online - gives an indication of the time spent on the element by the student. This is an approximate measure. Note: If your school has opted out of tracking time online for elements, this will then not appear in your reports.
  • Details - this shows extended information from assessment items (such as the grade) and SCORM elements (grade, status). For SCORM elements that track time we show the duration reported by the SCORM package in 'Time online' column. 
  • You can filter the list by element type (e.g. assignment, test, page) and by status (e.g read, complete, incomplete).

Click the links below to learn more about the different 360° reports that itslearning provides: 

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