Using Google Meet in itslearning and Fronter 19

Live video conferencing tools help create more dynamic lessons and engage students - especially when remote learning.

You can use Google Meet directly from the toolbar of our rich text editor. Simply add a Google Meet event anywhere in itslearning and Fronter 19 that has a rich text editor for instance assignments, or note.

Here's what you need to get started:

  • You must have a school Google account (G Suite for Education) to use this feature. A personal Gmail account will not work.
  • To enable this option in the toolbar of the editor, your system administrator needs to check the setting 'Allow users to create a Google Meet from the rich-text editor' under 'Admin >> Edit global settings >> Cloud services'. Once there, check the setting 'Allow users to create a Google Meet from the rich-text editor' on the Google tab.

Create a Google Meet online meeting

  1. Click on the Meet icon in the rich text editor toolbar
  2. If you are doing this for the first time, you need to sign in with your school account and allow the app to create meetings.screenshot sign in to Google G Suite for Education
  3. Give your meeting a title, date and time.
  4. The event will be added to your personal calendar in Google.
  5. Click 'Create' to add the meeting to itslearning. Once you save the meeting link will be shown.
  6. When you click on the meeting, it will open up in a new tab.

Note: You can have at least 100 participants in the online meeting. The maximum number of participants you can have in your meeting will depend on your G Suite for Education license.  

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