Infinite Campus Grade Write-Back

Infinite Campus grade write-back is a one-way, real-time transfer from itslearning to Infinite Campus. It is only possible to write back grades from courses created in itslearning via the integration from Infinite Campus and with grade pass back enabled. Also, only items that are tagged to a term in itslearning (equivalent to a Grading Period in Infinite Campus) and assessed with the Score scale can be sent to Infinite Campus. The following gradebook items can be exported from itslearning into Infinite Campus:

  • Assignments
  • Tests
  • Tasks


For each item in itslearning, an assignment is created in Infinite Campus and the following information is passed over:


  • AssignmentID
  • SectionID
  • Assignment Title (The title as displayed in the itslearning Gradebook)
  • Due Date (The deadline displayed in the item settings in itslearning)
  • Max Points


For each student, itslearning will send the student’s score for the particular item (Assignment, Test, Task etc.).


To send grades to Infinite Campus, the assessment settings within the activity in itslearning must be correctly set. Below is an example of a task with proper assessment scale settings:

To send an assignment and its scores to Infinite Campus:

  1. Access the itslearning Gradebook within the course
  2. Click the Transfer Button in the upper right of the Gradebook:
  3. Once the window loads, you may select which groups you would like to send the assignment for. If you have multiple sections within your course (or if your course has been merged using the Course Merge application), the assignment will be created in every Infinite Campus section in the Infinite Campus gradebook.
  4. Click "Transfer"
  5. Close the window.

The process from itslearning to Infinite Campus takes several minutes.


Please note that:


  • itslearning is currently unable to update a manually created assignment in Infinite Campus.
  • New submissions in itslearning are not kept in sync with Infinite Campus. You must hit Transfer again in itslearning for the new scores to be available in Infinite Campus.
  • Updated scores from itslearning will be sent to Infinite Campus, after the Transfer button is pressed again.
  • If a score is changed for a student in Infinite Campus, it will no longer be updated from itslearning and will not be in sync going forward, as Infinite Campus is the gradebook of record.
  • If no due date is provided, the due date will be set to the last day of the Infinite Campus grading period.




Below is a list of known limitations for Infinite Campus grade write-back:

  1. Grade write-back is only available in courses created by integration from Infinite Campus. It is not possible to post assignments and grades in teacher-created courses. 
  2. Assignments created in Infinite Campus gradebook will not be displayed in the itslearning gradebook.
  3. Only Score scales are currently supported. Assignments can be weighted in Infinite Campus.
  4. Late submissions in itslearning are not flagged as late in Infinite Campus. This must be done manually by the Teacher in Infinite Campus.

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