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Creating a ticket in the Support Portal

Before submitting a ticket via the Support Portal, please read this article carefully.

General Requests

Feature Requests

We often receive questions about whether certain features exist or are planned for development. We welcome your feedback on our product. You are welcome to check our Idea Portal, Roadmap or Product Updates in advance.

Planning of tool connections or integrations

The planning and implementation is done by the Service Management. For inquiries regarding a planned tool connection or integration of services from our partners or other third-party providers, please first contact your customer consultant at itslearning. Third-party providers can find technical information on integration options in our Developer Portal.

Requests about technical issues

Experience shows that many issues can already be solved by the following actions:

  •     Check that your browser is up to date
  •     Enter URL again manually (without using bookmarks or links from history)
Note: As with most browser-based applications, working in parallel in itslearning may result in error messages or access problems. Please use different browsers and log out of a session properly.

System disturbances

In case of access problems, error messages or slow loading time please have a look at the Service Status first. This informs about a known current operating restriction and the processing status.

Reporting a technical issue via the Support Portal

We provide support to registered support users, for details read this article Basic-Support.
If you are a support representative for your school and still don’t have access to the support portal, please contact your itslearning account manager. If you need help, please use our chat at   

When registered you will receive an email with your support portal credentials.

To log in, click on Create a ticket in the top right-hand corner of the Support Portal.

You can access the list of your tickets via My Tickets. There you can filter by Open or Pending or by Solved or Closed and sort by Creation Date, Last Modified or Status.

Via Submit a ticket, you can add details about the issue that has occurred and supplementary attachments in a contact form.

Note: Please create separate tickets for different issues.

For your reference, the following are examples of questions that we regularly ask in order to address the concern in a timely manner and to better assess the nature and priority of an issue. Experience has shown that if these questions are already apparent from the ticket, it can reduce the time it takes to handle the issue. It is useful if local administrators are also aware of these questions for assessing an issue at the school level. 

Who does the issue affect?

  •     Does it affect only one user or several / all users?
  •     Does it affect specific profiles (e.g. only learners, teachers)?
  •     Have specific policies been assigned to the users?

This is important in order to be able to assess the extent and make targeted investigations based on comparisons.

Where did the issue occur?

  •     Does it affect only this course or multiple / all courses?
  •     Title or display name of the course and who created it.
  •     Title of the item (e.g., assignment, page) and where exactly it can be found

What was attempted?

  •     What exactly did the user do in the system before?
  •     Were any hints or error messages displayed in itslearning?

From experience, screenshots or short videos help best here.

When and for how long?  

  •     When did the issue first occur? 
  •     Does it still exist? 
  •     When did it stop?

Only by providing precise time information is it possible for us to start targeted queries and better identify temporal patterns.

Which browsers and devices were used?

  •     Which browser was used? (Please specify the version).
  •     Which terminal device and operating system was used? (Please specify the version.)
  •     If it is a mobile device, was the mobile app (please specify the version) used or the browser app? 
  •     Were certain settings made on the end device for mobile app or browser use, if so, which ones?
  •     Is it a private end device or one managed by the school?

ITSL support will first try to reproduce the issue in a separate system environment. If the issue cannot be reproduced or questions require access to your site for clarification, ITSL Support will use documented Support Access.

Note: itslearning cannot take a user-specific view of the system via this Support Access.

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