How to set up 2FA for System Administrators?

System administrators have access to all data in the system and therefore a higher level of security is required.

As a precaution against data leaks, it is mandatory for itslearning system administrators to use two-factor authentication (2FA). This is an extra step added to the login process and a code will be sent to your phone to help verify your identity. 

When you first login as a system administrator, you will be prompted to use 2FA. (You can postpone this for up to 5 logins, after which it will become mandatory to use 2FA.)

You will then be guided through a series of steps. 

  • Step 1: You will be prompted to download a two-factor authentication app onto your mobile phone. Click Next once you have downloaded the app.
  • Step 2: A QR code will be displayed which you must scan using the app that you have just downloaded. You can also enter a keycode if you are unable to scan the QR code. The code displayed in your app will be updated every 30 seconds. Once done, select Next.

You will also be asked to provide a backup email address.

If you have a new mobile phone, you must disconnect the 2FA and then connect to your new phone's two-factor app. This is an additional layer of security.

  • Click on Your name to access your personal settings. 
  • Your settings >> Two-factor authentication
  • Disconnect
  • Logout.
  • Login and connect via the same steps described above.

If for some reason you do not get a code in the app, you are unable to use an app or have forgotten your phone, you can get a code sent to your email instead. This code is valid for 5 minutes.

Click 'Problems with the code' to login by receiving an email instead.

Note: Please always make sure that the email specified in your 'Edit profile' page is valid.

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