Administrator Overview

Every organization should appoint users responsible for maintaining structure, accounts, and dashboards in itslearning. These users are called administrators. 

If this responsibility is divided between several people, it may be practical to divide the total responsibility into various responsibility areas. In small organizations, it is often practical that one person takes care of all administrative tasks. In that case, an alternate should be prepared to assume the administrator role in case of sickness or other absence. All administrators have an Admin tab in the main menu.

System Administrator

The system administrator has superior responsibility for the structure of the site. It is recommended that the user account of the system administrator is used exclusively to change settings and get information that applies to the site as a whole. If the system administrator also works as a teacher, all work with courses and educational activity should be done with another user account.


  • Create administrators
  • Logs for data transfer from administrative systems
  • Licence statistics
  • Edit global setting
  • Edit profiles

To keep the roles separated, the platform is delivered with a default setting preventing the system administrator from working with courses. The interface for system administrators only allows them to work with the administration of itslearning.

School Administrator

Administrator rights are provided by the system administrator. This means that the system administrator and administrator cannot be the same person, but that the administrator profile is created based on the tasks the administrator is supposed to do.

An administrator basically has two areas of responsibility:

  1. Create and manage hierarchies, courses, users and groups for a school or organizational unit.
  2. Manage school dashboards and information.

The image shown contains all options available to system administrators. There are four sections within this menu:

  1. Courses and Students
  2. Settings
  3. Logs and Services
  4. Data and Reports

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