How to add and remove permissions?

Permissions for a student/group have been changed by mistake. I want to revert to the default permissions.

Changing permissions in Resources can be useful if you want to give certain students or a course group the ability to see or edit resources and participate in activities.

But if a student has been given certain permissions in error, here's how to restore permissions to the default setting. 

Go to the Course > Resources. 

Click the ellipsis (...) on the top right to access 'Permissions'. 


Clicking Permissions will display several links.

Choose from the links to determine who can see and participate in resource folder and who can add new elements. 

Select the 'View a detailed overview of current permissions' to revert permissions to default settings. 

Click the ellipsis (...) on this page to see permissions for individuals and to edit permissions.  

As a default, students should have 'Read' and 'Participate' permissions, while Guest will only have 'Read' permission.

To remove a permission, simply click the box with the tick.

Remember to 'Save'.

Giving additional permissions

If you want to give permissions from select students/groups, click the 'Give extra permissions' button.

screenshotSelect which permissions to add, then click Next.

Click on the participants name to add the new permissions. Then click 'Add'.

Click 'Complete' when you are done. You will then see a confirmation screen of the changed permissions.

Removing permissions

If you want to remove permissions from select students/groups, click the 'Give extra permissions' button.

Then click Next. 

To remove permissions, click to check the name(s) on the right column, then click 'Remove'. 

Click 'Complete' when you are done. You will then see a confirmation screen of the changed permissions. 

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