Help! I've forgotten my password

It is always best practice to have a simple to remember, yet unique alphanumeric password. Write it down somewhere safe, and remember where you've written it down.  

Please contact your school's itslearning administrator if you have forgotten your password. or have problems resetting your password. They can help you obtain your login details. 

NOTE: For questions related to login, we will always refer you to the school's itslearning administrator. They are responsible for the itslearning environment and are the ones who can manage the accounts and provide new passwords. 

Alternatively, reset your password from the login page for your site by clicking the "Forgotten password?" link if this function has been enabled for your school site.

On the following page, you will be required to enter the valid e-mail address associated to your active itslearning account. Once you have entered your email address, click the "Send request" button and you will subsequently receive an email with a link to reset your password via email.

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