Features and security

This area contains many important settings for the topics:

Available functions
Here you can deactivate/activate several functions, such as the attendance system, behaviour, discussions in assignments, resource management, activate homework and other functions.

You can also define a quarantine period here (after which deleted items can be permanently deleted from the trash).


Here you can deactivate/activate several functions, such as the attendance system, behaviour, discussions in assignments, resource management, activate homework and other functions.

You can also define a quarantine period here (after which deleted items can be permanently deleted from the trash).

Parent PortalEnable/disable the Parent Portal and settings for the detailed content of the reports.
Set password rules
Set the number of passwords, the password length, the validity period, the time limit for a warning message before the password expires and the password complexity here. (Please note the changes in R129 on password complexity).
Set login rules
Set the number of failed attempts a user has at a login before being locked out. Set the minutes for how long the account lockout should last before the user is allowed to restart the login attempt.

Note: The lock can be lifted during this time by the local admin in the user profile.

Message settings
Users can delete and edit their own messages (teachers can also delete messages in course conversations).
Tools and content
Include LTI tools on the Add Resources page. Allow only LTI tools of the privacy level "Anonymous". In addition, you can activate access to the app library here. Enable accessibility plugin in rich text editor.
Activate the ePortfolio.
Set here for whom and which contents are activated for the 360° report.
Support access

Through this temporary, secure and logged access, itslearning can offer you support and service. Granting Support Access.

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