Global Settings

Global settings affect the entire itslearning site, and only system administrators have access to these options.  There are global settings related to courses and students as well as general settings. Within this menu, there are a subset of settings.  

Set Default Course Settings

This menu allows the administrator to select the elements that will be enabled when users create new courses.

Individual Learning Plans

This section allows the administrator to change the name of the tool or the name of the plan.

Assessment Settings

The system administrator should set the grading scale for assessments prior to course creation or site usage. It is important that district/school guidelines and/or members of the assessment or curriculum teams are consulted. It is recommended to select the option for 'score as an assessment alternative'.

Features and Security

It is in this menu that all global settings are enabled or disabled. Your itslearning representative will walk you through these settings when setting up your site.

Login Page Settings

Within this menu, administrators may enable information and a site course catalog. The information may include bulletins or news.


It is within the layout menu that administrators may upload a logo for the login page. The image must be in .png format with a maximum height of 47 pixels. Additionally, links may be added to the main menu bar. Please note these are not single sign-on or LTI links, but regular web links.

Regional Settings

Regional settings adjust language, time zone settings, as well as the user name format.


This is a list of the file types accepted and how each file type functions within the platform. Currently, there are 165 different file types accepted within the itslearning platform.

Export Settings

Export settings provide detailed settings related to the exporting of grade book data.

Cloud Services

Manage supported cloud services such as Office Online, Office 365, Google and Dropbox. Administrators set permissions for the connection of these cloud accounts to all users.

Office Online offers a simple and easy way to work and collaborate in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint directly from within itslearning. Microsoft accounts are not required to access Office Online functionality.

It is also possible to enable or disable the following options for Office 365/OneDrive and Google:

  • Enable collaboration
  • Enable file uploading
  • Enable file linking

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