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Accessibility commitment

itslearning is dedicated to providing the education sector with an exceptional e-learning tool. Our responsibility is to create an inclusive solution that gives everyone within the community of learners and educators the same access to educational opportunities, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.  

This section describes accessibility in itslearning and how this is implemented in conformance with the EU standard for digital accessibility (EU: Web accessibility). This standard uses the WCAG 2.1 guidelines published by W3C as the basis for the legislation. Making itslearning accessible is a continuous process in which we constantly strive to improve.

Enabling the accessibility settings

Although itslearning is designed to be accessible for all, there are still a few ways to adjust it to further suit your personal preferences. Under Your settings > Customise itslearning, you will find options to use a simplified tree structure, a simple editor and higher contrast. 

Please note that these settings do not yet affect all pages, but we are gradually working to improve that.

Screenshot of the accessibility settings in itslearning. Three settings are available, as described in the text.

Our approach to accessibility

Achieving a given degree of accessibility in a web application like itslearning is not only a technical problem. If accessibility is to be maintained at a given level, there are also requirements regarding the content being placed in the platform, as well as the user's chances to interact well with both the system and content.

Developing while keeping accessibility in mind involves a lot of balancing, and knowledge of people who are disabled and their use of facilities and aids. In addition to carrying out extensive technical changes in itslearning, we co-operate with leading experts in Norway who test itslearning with accessibility technology together with disabled users. By combining such evaluation and user testing, we have assured the quality and verified the function of facilities and aids used in conjunction with itslearning.

Guidelines from W3C-WAI are normative in all work that involves keeping itslearning accessible for users with disabilities. 

Feedback from our users is always taken into account when we are designing our products. Where it has been especially challenging to choose a particular solution, the feedback we receive from practical testing with disabled people has been most important, and has been prioritized to higher than the required guidelines. We welcome feedback related to accessibility and do our best to mitigage problems as soon as we can. 

Support for navigation and orientation

All content delivered by itslearning is coded semantically correct. This means that headings, paragraphs, and so on are used in the content of itslearning. If you navigate via a screenreader, it is advantageous to use these for quick navigation and orientation. Groups of links (menus) are organised in lists, but also contain the option of skipping the lists. 

itslearning can be navigated by keyboard, and will behave as expected using tab, enter, space and arrow keys.
Read more about common keyboard navigation patterns.

itslearning and assistive technology

itslearning has been through several rounds of testing with facilities for tactile presentation (Braille writing) and also with aids for serial navigation that are used by the blind and the dyslexic. We have also tested different forms of magnification and alternative visual presentations that may be of interest to the visually impaired.

We support common assistive technology tools such as screen readers, braille displays and alternative input methods.
Accessibility functions and adaptations such as zoom in browsers are also tested, and can be used successfully when needed.  

More information on our commitment to accessibility can be found on our website by clicking this link: Accessibility Statement

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