ZOOM Admin Set Up Guide

ZOOM provides remote conferencing services that combine video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration.  

LTI Pro allows you to connect ZOOM with itslearning. An educational institution (itslearning site) that wants to use this service needs a contract with ZOOM for an educational package.

This document describes how a system administrator can set up existing Zoom for Education package to work seamlessly with itslearning. This will allow teachers to invite students to virtual classrooms inside itslearning, for example in Plans.   

This needs to be set up by an itslearning system administrator with access to the Zoom management portal.

Step 1: Using ZOOM with itslearning through LTI  

  1. Open the ZOOM management portal   
  2. Install the LTI Pro app from the menu by selecting Advanced > App MarketPlace  (search for LTI Pro). (More information on the  LTI Pro Getting Started Overview )
  3. After you have installed LTI Pro, click on the LTI Pro icon,  Click “Manage”, “Configuration” and select “Create new configuration”.  Copy the “Application Key” and “Shared Secret” and save them, as these will be needed to set up the application in itslearning

Step 2: Create teacher accounts for your site  

Accounts for teachers need to be set up in the ZOOM Admin console in order for them to create ZOOM meetings. If you have not already done this, you can find information here.  

Step 3:  Configure the itslearning extension  

  1. Login to itslearning as a system administrator  
  2. Click on the “Developer” tab in the top menu  
  3. Click “Add Application”  
  4. Fill in the fields in the form according to the description in the table below. You can choose to add titles and description in multiple languages if you want, but this is not required . 
  5. Once you have filled in every field, press “Save”.  


NOTE: This may take up to an hour from when you save for the application to becoming available for teachers.  

Field Data to fill in
Title ZOOM Virtual Classroom 
Short Description  A virtual classroom 
Long Description  A virtual classroom with recording options. Organise webmeetings and webinars. Record your meetings. Share screens. All this is possible with the ZOOM Virtual Classroom
Default Name 
for New Instances
New ZOOM Virtual Classroom
Language Default language is English, but you can add additional languages as desired
Available for This should say “Your site (Site name) Only”
Allow Comments Disabled
Support Homepage Where your users should go to for support
Support Mail Address Where your users should send emails for support
Content availability Only on itslearning 
License Option  Free
SSO Type Use LTI 1.1
Type Learning Resource
Sharing Supported Disabled
Launch URL https://applications.zoom.us/lti/rich
Application Key What you had copied from the ZOOM Management Portal earlier
Shared Secret What you had copied from the ZOOM Management Portal earlier
Privacy Level Public
Hash Algorithm SHA-256

Step 4:  Make ZOOM available to all teachers  

If you want to make ZOOM available for all teachers, follow these steps. Or jump to Step 5: How Teachers can manually add ZOOM for how teachers can find the ZOOM app.  

  1. Login as a System Administrator 
  2. Click “Admin” in the top menu and select “Manage apps” 
  3. Select “Default Availability” 
  4. Click “Add app” 
  5. Click “Search for Hierarchy” and choose which hierarchies or organization to make the extension available for 
  6. Click “Browse app library”, find your new “Zoom Virtual Classroom” application and select it 
  7. Click “Teachers” to enable it for teachers 
  8. Type “Zoom Virtual Classroom” in “Set-up name” 
  9. Check “Is enabled in a default location for each user who meets the criteria above” 

The application should now be available for all teachers in the selected organization(s) on their add page. They can then use it, as shown on the screenshots below. This image shows how it looks like in the Course Resources Page when a teacher clicks to add a resource.  

Figure 2: The ZOOM icon can be seen in the Course Add Page

Figure 3: Creating a new ZOOM Meeting

Once the meeting is set up, teachers can also send the invitation via the internal messaging system, a regular email or other means of distribution. Students will not need a license, they will only receive the invitation but will not be able to setup a meeting. 

Step 5: How Teachers can manually add ZOOM

If the application was not made available to all teachers as described in Step 4, a teacher can add the Zoom plugin by following these steps from their “Course Add page”.

  1. Click the green “Add” button top right in the screen and select “Show all”
  2. Click the three dots (...) on the top right side of the page, and select “Browse App Library”
  3. Find the “ZOOM Virtual Classroom” plugin or search for it in the search field
  4. Select “Include this app”

ZOOM should now be available as an option for the teacher to use across all their courses on the course add page, as shown in Figure 2. For more information read the ZOOM Getting Started Guide.

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