Learning Objectives Repository

The local learning objective repository is in addition to the national or state learning objective repository and allows you to load learning objectives specific to your site to the platform for teachers to use in their courses.  These learning objectives might be for professional development for teachers, or for subjects that are specific to your district.

Managing Learning Objectives in the Repository

After clicking Learning Objectives Repository, you can select the site or school for which you want to manage the learning objective repository in the Select an organization drop-down.  Some users may not see this option, in which case the repository they are allowed to manage opens right away.

The tree structure of the learning objective repository contains four levels that are distinguished by different icons.


Level Type


Used to organize subjects, for example, by educational levels such as elementary or secondary.
This contains a set of learning objectives that share a common context, for example, History, Geography, or Math.  When a subject is published, the icon turns green.
Used to organize learning objectives within a subject, for example, Critical thinking and problem solving. Using categories is optional, but it may make it easier for teachers to find the learning objectives.  You can add categories within categories to create more levels.
The actual learning objective that can be used in plans, elements – such as tests or assignments – and be assessed and reported on.

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